37 times Lucescu vs. Steaua

Articol de , - Publicat vineri, 06 martie 2009 00:00

One of the most passionate rivalries from the Romanian football will have on Sunday the 38th episode, after 30 years from the first confrontation

May 1979. Then born maybe the most beautiful, the toughest and the most thrilling duel from the history of Romanian football: Lucescu on one side and Steaua on the other side. Even if Lucescu senior left from Romania, the tradition of the competition was continued by his son, Răzvan, who will have a new confrontation on Sunday: the 38th episode of the family Lucescu against Steaua. The marks of this rivalry?

1. The first victory: Corvinul - Steaua 1-0 in '82
Mircea Lucescu managed to defeat Steaua for the first time only 5th time. :O On March 14, 1982, Corvinul won at Hunedoara with 1-0, through the goal given by Dubinciuc, at the end of the season, Corvinul finished on the 3rd place, and Steaua finished only on the 6th place.

2. Historical succes in Ghencea: 3-0 in '89
3 months before the Revolution, Lucescu senior managed to accomplish a great hit against the eternal rival. He defeated Iordănescu’s team in Ghencea, with a clear 3-0, one of the toughest failures which Steaua had at home against Dinamo. :S

3. Steaua took them 11 trophies
In the 30 years of duels, the family Lucescu has lost 11 trophies with Steaua, winning 5. Il Luce missed 4 titles, 3 Romanian Cups ale and a Super Cup in direct competition with the team from Ghencea, while his son has lost all the trophies with Steaua: two titles and the Super cup from 2006. Besides, Răzvan missed also the most important double played against Steaua, the one from the quarters of UEFA Cup, from the spring of 2006.

4. Lăcătuş, the nightmare of the family Lucescu
Undoubtedly, the person from Steaua who created the biggest problems to Mircea and Răzvan is Lăcătuş. Among the 11 trophies lost by the family Lucescu in direct competition with Steaua, 9 of them benefit by Lăcătuş’ contribution.

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