Bănel Nicoliţă's ankle gave up!

Articol de - Publicat miercuri, 13 mai 2009 00:00

Bănel Nicoliţă began yesterday the training with his colleagues, but he had some aches again at the ankle where he had a sprain and it is almost sure that he won’t play with Rapid

Another bad news for Lăcătuş regarding the derby with Rapid. Besides the already known, there is another one from yesterday. Bănel Nicoliţă, whom Lăcătuş wanted to use from the first minute on the right side, got injured again and he could miss the confrontation with Hizo’s team.

Nicoliţă recovered after the sprain ankle he suffered in the middle of April and since Monday he had joined his colleagues at trainings. The same happened yesterday. He started the training leaded by Lăcătuş, but 15 minutes before the training finished he asked the medical team to intervene. He had great pains at the same ankle and he left the field before his colleagues.

The Doctor Radu Paligora decided that Bănel should make again a detailed medical check in order to establish the cause of the injury. Because it is almost sure that today and tomorrow Nicoliţă won’t participate to trainings, Lăcătuş may not rely on him especially that the player hasn’t played for a long time. His absence would force the coach to keep Dayro Moreno as title.

26 days passed since Nicoliţă has got injured, exactly since 17th April, from the match Gaz Metan - Steaua 0-1

6 players
will miss  from Steaua at the match with Rapid: Goian and Golanski are suspended, and Nicoliţă, Ovidiu Petre, Cernea and Emeghara

Bănel Nicoliţă began yesterday the training with his colleagues, but he had some aches again at the ankle where he had a sprain and it is almost sure that he won’t play with Rapid

Another bad news for Lăcătuş regarding the derby with Rapid. Besides the already known, there is another one from yesterday. Bănel Nicoliţă, whom Lăcătuş wanted to use from the first minute on the right side, got injured again and he could miss the confrontation with Hizo’s team.

Nicoliţă recovered after the sprain ankle he suffered in the middle of April and since Monday he had joined his colleagues at trainings. The same happened yesterday. He started the training leaded by Lăcătuş, but 15 minutes before the training finished he asked the medical team to intervene. He had great pains at the same ankle and he left the field before his colleagues.

The Doctor Radu Paligora decided that Bănel should make again a detailed medical check in order to establish the cause of the injury. Because it is almost sure that today and tomorrow Nicoliţă won’t participate to trainings, Lăcătuş may not rely on him especially that the player hasn’t played for a long time. His absence would force the coach to keep Dayro Moreno as title.

26 days passed since Nicoliţă has got injured, exactly since 17th April, from the match Gaz Metan - Steaua 0-1

6 players will miss  from Steaua at the match with Rapid: Goian and Golanski are suspended, and Nicoliţă, Ovidiu Petre, Cernea and Emeghara

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