Becaause he doesn't have money for the transfers, Lăcătuş improvises: «Golanski or Ogăraru on the left side!»

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 09 ianuarie 2009 00:00

The coach of Steaua will test the two players on the position of left defender in the training camps from this winter, in order to have a double for Petre Marin.

"You are my players!",
said Lăcătuş to the players present at the reunion on Wednesday. Resigned with the idea that there is no money for important transfers, the coach has already found a solution for a defective position, the left defender.

In that part of the field he can only count on the “veteran" Petre Marin (35 years old and 405 matches in League 1). If he is injured or will be suspended, the only possibility of replacement is the junior Lucian Filip (18 years old). That is why, "The Beast" decided to test on that position even the right defenders in the friendly matches from this winter Golanki and Ogăraru!

They played on the left side only few times. The Polish played at the European Championship from the summer of 2008, with catastrophic results, and the former football player of Ajax played only in one match from the championship, at 4-0 with Gaz Metan.
The leaders from Ghencea say that they are still trust "Jair":

"Petre Marin is a very good football player; he helps you when you need him. There are not so many matches in the return, and the risk of injuries is very little. I am sure he will handle the situation, even if he has 35 years old".

"Petre Marin didn’t say the last word in football and you’ll see that he will play for a long time from now on. He is a very good football player"
George Ogăraru, defender at SteauaOgăraru narrated on GSP TV what  Dorinel Munteanu imposed to the players in the winter break 

"Steaua needs an excellent left defender! Neither Ogăraru nor Golanski are players who use the left leg in order to play successfully on that part"
Ţiţi Dumitriu, former coach at Steaua

13 matches played Petre Marin in the T-shirt of Steaua this season, in all the matches he played as left defender.

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