Florin Costea's job is to be hero

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 24 mai 2009 00:00

Florin Costea has dynamited Rapid in only 4 minutes and his brother finished the show

What a match in Grant! The first half offered tenacity, good phases, football. The players from Rapid had good occasions, but their problem was that they didn’t get the goalpost. Dică (6), Cesinha (8), Spadacio (16) gave strong shots, but over the goalpost. The Brazilian goal getter from Rapid has found what he wanted in the minute 40, but Bornescu rejected the ball. A special chapter represents the opportunity wasted by the indolent Joao Paulo (24).

Dorel déjà-vu
It is obvious that the occasion of the first half belonged to U. Craiova. A penalty muffed by Dorel Stoica (12) – again just like in the match from Timişoara! -, Elinton Andrade recovering this way the hack he made to Prepeliţă. The players from Craiova kept the play almost always far from their goalpost, but Wobay, didn’t find the goalpost for three times.

The spenders
The second half was opened by the powerful shot given by Dorel Stoica (47), from a distance of 40 meters, but he had bad luck!, the ball hit the bar. Then the muffs came one after another. Njock (56) was at a distance of a few centimeters of opening the score. Joao Paulo (58) couldn’t defeat Bornescu in 7 meters, the goalkeeper rejected until Djalovici, but he blocked Joao Paulo, too!

The play was very fast. Cesinha, irresistible on the right side, passed for Djalovici (62), but the shot to the empty goalpost was blocked by the “saver” Dănănae.

Across, Wobay (67) centered with his foot, just like Quaresma, perfect for Njock, but he missed. Andrade saved once again his team, at the shot given with the head by the Njock.

The series of muffs finished in the minute 80. Florin Costea shot first when he was in the long, then from Prepeliţă’s perfect phase, and in the end he helped his brother, Mihai, to make a fool of Andrade. U Craiova prepares for Europe!

Florin Costea has dynamited Rapid in only 4 minutes and his brother finished the show

What a match in Grant! The first half offered tenacity, good phases, football. The players from Rapid had good occasions, but their problem was that they didn’t get the goalpost. Dică (6), Cesinha (8), Spadacio (16) gave strong shots, but over the goalpost. The Brazilian goal getter from Rapid has found what he wanted in the minute 40, but Bornescu rejected the ball. A special chapter represents the opportunity wasted by the indolent Joao Paulo (24).

Dorel déjà-vu
It is obvious that the occasion of the first half belonged to U. Craiova. A penalty muffed by Dorel Stoica (12) – again just like in the match from Timişoara! -, Elinton Andrade recovering this way the hack he made to Prepeliţă. The players from Craiova kept the play almost always far from their goalpost, but Wobay, didn’t find the goalpost for three times.

The spenders
The second half was opened by the powerful shot given by Dorel Stoica (47), from a distance of 40 meters, but he had bad luck!, the ball hit the bar. Then the muffs came one after another. Njock (56) was at a distance of a few centimeters of opening the score. Joao Paulo (58) couldn’t defeat Bornescu in 7 meters, the goalkeeper rejected until Djalovici, but he blocked Joao Paulo, too!

The play was very fast. Cesinha, irresistible on the right side, passed for Djalovici (62), but the shot to the empty goalpost was blocked by the “saver” Dănănae.

Across, Wobay (67) centered with his foot, just like Quaresma, perfect for Njock, but he missed. Andrade saved once again his team, at the shot given with the head by the Njock.

The series of muffs finished in the minute 80. Florin Costea shot first when he was in the long, then from Prepeliţă’s perfect phase, and in the end he helped his brother, Mihai, to make a fool of Andrade. U Craiova prepares for Europe!

"I think we reached our purpose through this victory and we’ll play next year in Europe League"
FLORIN COSTEA, forward at U Craiova

"I will never execute a penalty! From now on I am going to let another players to try, maybe they will make a better job"
DOREL STOICA, defender U Craiova

"If I were Mr. Mititelu, I would allow the brothers Costea to leave because there are other good players coming from behind"
MIRCEA BORNESCU, goalkeeper at U Craiova

"We didn’t deserve to loose, it is fine that we still have chances for Europe League even after this result"
JULIANO SPADACIO, midfielder Rapid

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