Gazeta opens the locker room from Steaua! Lăcătuş to his players: "We'll win!"

Articol de - Publicat joi, 08 ianuarie 2009 00:00

Lăcătuş told yesterday morning to the players from Steaua about the plans he has in the return which will start on February, 28th

"The beast" hurried up with the debut in his second mandate at Steaua. He changed the hour when Dorinel Munteanu had established the reunion. Instead of 5:00 p.m, he sent a message on the phone to all the players that they have to come to the stadium on 11:00 a.m. He came first, around 9:30 a.m.

When all the players were gathered, he entered in the locker room and he embraced every player. "I want to tell you something", this was the starting message of the "Beast".

"We are the team. You are the team whom I will count on in 2009. I want to win the championship; I want to obtain what we didn’t obtain last year. I didn’t forget what happened then when we were very close to win and I am sure that you didn’t forget either because most of you played then, too", said Lăcătuş.Steaua's team is almost unchanged at the reunion after the winter holiday

He had a hair cut and lost weight
Lăcătuş appeared yesterday on the training ground suppler than when he left from the post of main coach. After he had some medical problems at the end of November, when he even had to hospitalize, "the Beast" took the advice of the doctors with respect to the diet and he managed to loose weight. "I didn’t eat too much in this feasts, I ate different kind of dishes, but I ate just a little from every dish", said Lăcă before the New Year’s Eve. More than that, he even had a hair cut before he met again with the players.You can see now how Lăcătuş spent the break between  the turn and return 

"I trust you and I hope we’ll be the best in the return!"

"I want you to be determinate, aggressive and ambitious!"

"I came back because I want to demonstrate to those who criticized me and you that they were very wrong"

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Comentarii (1)
 •  18 Ianuarie 2009, 22:35

cum vine asta?cica english version?da`de fapt dai de-o engleza sinistra,stil tov.iliescu anii`90+gramatica limbii engleze facuta posta! smarc

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