Gigi Becali: "I won't tolerate anymore Pleşan's behaviour!"

Articol de - Publicat luni, 15 iunie 2009 00:00

Gigi Becali announced that the midfielder of Steaua, Mihăiţă will pay a lot for the scandal with Sorin Ghionea. Is Florin Lovin the next one?

Gigi Becali confirmed the information published yesterday by GSP and he says that Mihăiţă Pleşan (26 years old) won’t have a good life in Ghencea after the incident with Ghionea.

"This is true, Pleşan and Ghionea fought at the end of the match from Urziceni. Ghionea argues for the team interests, but who does Pleşan think he is to make a scandal and argue with the players in the locker room? He came as a big star and he did nothing at Steaua! He has two possibilities: looks for a team, or he goes to Steaua II! I won’t tolerate his behaviour and all those who are not serious! I will be very strict, no matter of their names!", announced Becali.

"There is another one who makes atmosphere!"

Besides Pleşan, it seems that Lovin is also în vizorul patronului se pare că se mai află şi, din aceleaşi motive disciplinare. "There is another one who made scandal in the locker room and he is going to leave, too. I will sacrifice anybody, no matter of their names, I am not interested anymore!".

2 goals
in 25 matches has given Pleşan for Steaua in august 2007 since he came, being many times injured

Gigi Becali announced that the midfielder of Steaua, Mihăiţă will pay a lot for the scandal with Sorin Ghionea. Is Florin Lovin the next one?

Gigi Becali confirmed the information published yesterday by GSP and he says that Mihăiţă Pleşan (26 years old) won’t have a good life in Ghencea after the incident with Ghionea.

"This is true, Pleşan and Ghionea fought at the end of the match from Urziceni. Ghionea argues for the team interests, but who does Pleşan think he is to make a scandal and argue with the players in the locker room? He came as a big star and he did nothing at Steaua! He has two possibilities: looks for a team, or he goes to Steaua II! I won’t tolerate his behaviour and all those who are not serious! I will be very strict, no matter of their names!", announced Becali.

"There is another one who makes atmosphere!"

Besides Pleşan, it seems that Lovin is also în vizorul patronului se pare că se mai află şi, din aceleaşi motive disciplinare. "There is another one who made scandal in the locker room and he is going to leave, too. I will sacrifice anybody, no matter of their names, I am not interested anymore!".

2 goals in 25 matches has given Pleşan for Steaua in august 2007 since he came, being many times injured

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