Gigi Becali wants to unite Steaua with Urziceni if the leader wins the title!

Articol de - Publicat marti, 26 mai 2009 00:00

Gigi Becali admitted yesterday that he wants the place of Urziceni in Champions League and that in the end of the championship he is going to have a decisive with the sponsor of the team

The sponsor of Steaua came yesterday with more arguments which to support the fusion with Unirea Urziceni so that the team from Ghencea may play in Champions League. "According to the Law 31 we can do such a thing, it is a law for companies. It is true that in the sports rules the fusion is not allowed, but you cannot prohibit an organic law with a sports one, even UEFA and FIFA asked the harmonization of the sports rules with the civil and penal ones. FRF could be forced to accept the fusion. I don’t want to tell you whether I spoke with Buşcaru, anyway this is my idea, we will decide after the last lap what we are going to do", said Becali.

"The supporters will decide whether we make the fusion"
The sponsor from Steaua discussed then about a very important detail and which will be decisive in his plan. "It depends on what the supporters from Steaua will say. Anyway, they need to know that Steaua won’t release anything, neither the record, nor the colors. We won’t be dishonoured in any way. The team will be named Bucureşti, not Steaua Urziceni or Steaua Valahorum, because I have heard many times this kind of things. Steaua is going to take an entire team, a place in Champions League, a team of players, coaches, everything", concluded Becali.

The fans: "We don’t want anybody’s alms!"
After Gigi Becali said yesterday that, if the supporters would accept a fusion with Urziceni, he will considerate even this thing, hundreds of persons entered on the site in order to express their opinion. Most of the supporters refuse outright this possibility of going for the fourth consecutive in the groups of Champions League.

"Embarrassing for the history of Steaua"
Emeric Ienei, the one who brought in the glass case of the club from Ghencea the most precious trophy, The Cup of European Champions, rejected vehemently yesterday the idea of fusion: "This is abnormal. It is embarrassing for a team like Steaua to be willing to participate in Champions League by such a procedure. We don’t need to mention that now it doesn’t have the value for such a competition".

"It would be good for the Romanian football"
The president from LPF is one of those who affirm that fusion would be a good thing. "In my opinion, this fusion would be good for the Romanian football. From two teams you can make a quite good one for Champions League", said the president of the League.

"There will never be a fusion! This is abnormal!"
The one who offered the official point of view of Unirea Urziceni was the manager Mihai Stoica: "I guarantee you that Unirea Urziceni will never fusion with Steaua. If they wanted so, this thing should have been done before obtaining the license for 2009-2010. This is abnormal and a diversion created by Marian Iancu in order to turn the supporters of Timişoara against us".

"I don’t know whether UEFA agrees"
The general manager of FRF, Ionuţ Lupescu, said yesterday: "I see that a team has to disappear, and the other one to take everything. I don’t know whether UEFA agrees that a team which didn’t get a place in the European cups, even if it makes a fusion, to play there".

The ball is at the Executive Committee
The institution which can modify the article which may allow the fusion accomplishment is the Executive Committee. The body is managed by Mircea Sandu, who has a great influence towards the majority of the other members, and Cristi Borcea, the boss from Dinamo is among them. "It is sure that the federal Committee would approve the fusion", declared Dragomir, also member in that committee.

"They do not meddle in, they would accept the decision of FRF"
Iosif Robi Urs, one of the most important attorneys from LPF and FRF, was the one who answered the most trenchant to the question: "UEFA and FIFA will accept the decision taken by FRF. They wouldn’t meddle in such an action. Anything is possible in our football", said Urs.

"We deserve our faith!"
Cristi Borcea was very short in the comment he made when he was asked about the fusion Steaua-Urziceni: "I am not interested in this thing; anyway, we deserve our faith after the defeat from Urziceni". Besides, Vasile Turcu said: "These are nonsense, how to make a fusion between two companies? I don’t believe such a thing, these are fictions. Anyway it is their business; they may fusion even with Buzău and Urziceni and with another 4-5 teams if they want".

Gigi Becali admitted yesterday that he wants the place of Urziceni in Champions League and that in the end of the championship he is going to have a decisive with the sponsor of the team

The sponsor of Steaua came yesterday with more arguments which to support the fusion with Unirea Urziceni so that the team from Ghencea may play in Champions League. "According to the Law 31 we can do such a thing, it is a law for companies. It is true that in the sports rules the fusion is not allowed, but you cannot prohibit an organic law with a sports one, even UEFA and FIFA asked the harmonization of the sports rules with the civil and penal ones. FRF could be forced to accept the fusion. I don’t want to tell you whether I spoke with Buşcaru, anyway this is my idea, we will decide after the last lap what we are going to do", said Becali.

"The supporters will decide whether we make the fusion"
The sponsor from Steaua discussed then about a very important detail and which will be decisive in his plan. "It depends on what the supporters from Steaua will say. Anyway, they need to know that Steaua won’t release anything, neither the record, nor the colors. We won’t be dishonoured in any way. The team will be named Bucureşti, not Steaua Urziceni or Steaua Valahorum, because I have heard many times this kind of things. Steaua is going to take an entire team, a place in Champions League, a team of players, coaches, everything", concluded Becali.

The fans: "We don’t want anybody’s alms!"
After Gigi Becali said yesterday that, if the supporters would accept a fusion with Urziceni, he will considerate even this thing, hundreds of persons entered on the site in order to express their opinion. Most of the supporters refuse outright this possibility of going for the fourth consecutive in the groups of Champions League.

"Embarrassing for the history of Steaua"
Emeric Ienei, the one who brought in the glass case of the club from Ghencea the most precious trophy, The Cup of European Champions, rejected vehemently yesterday the idea of fusion: "This is abnormal. It is embarrassing for a team like Steaua to be willing to participate in Champions League by such a procedure. We don’t need to mention that now it doesn’t have the value for such a competition".

"It would be good for the Romanian football"
The president from LPF is one of those who affirm that fusion would be a good thing. "In my opinion, this fusion would be good for the Romanian football. From two teams you can make a quite good one for Champions League", said the president of the League.

"There will never be a fusion! This is abnormal!"
The one who offered the official point of view of Unirea Urziceni was the manager Mihai Stoica: "I guarantee you that Unirea Urziceni will never fusion with Steaua. If they wanted so, this thing should have been done before obtaining the license for 2009-2010. This is abnormal and a diversion created by Marian Iancu in order to turn the supporters of Timişoara against us".

"I don’t know whether UEFA agrees"
The general manager of FRF, Ionuţ Lupescu, said yesterday: "I see that a team has to disappear, and the other one to take everything. I don’t know whether UEFA agrees that a team which didn’t get a place in the European cups, even if it makes a fusion, to play there".

The ball is at the Executive Committee
The institution which can modify the article which may allow the fusion accomplishment is the Executive Committee. The body is managed by Mircea Sandu, who has a great influence towards the majority of the other members, and Cristi Borcea, the boss from Dinamo is among them. "It is sure that the federal Committee would approve the fusion", declared Dragomir, also member in that committee.

"They do not meddle in, they would accept the decision of FRF"
Iosif Robi Urs, one of the most important attorneys from LPF and FRF, was the one who answered the most trenchant to the question: "UEFA and FIFA will accept the decision taken by FRF. They wouldn’t meddle in such an action. Anything is possible in our football", said Urs.

"We deserve our faith!"
Cristi Borcea was very short in the comment he made when he was asked about the fusion Steaua-Urziceni: "I am not interested in this thing; anyway, we deserve our faith after the defeat from Urziceni". Besides, Vasile Turcu said: "These are nonsense, how to make a fusion between two companies? I don’t believe such a thing, these are fictions. Anyway it is their business; they may fusion even with Buzău and Urziceni and with another 4-5 teams if they want".

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