He was about to play at de West Ham

Articol de - Publicat marti, 03 februarie 2009 00:00

Homei was about to fetch a blow yesterday, but his transfer in Premier League is blocked for the moment because of the law

Sergiu Homei at West Ham United, Zola’s team from Premier League! This could have been an amazing transfer, which was at a distance of a signature of being concluded. But there are still chances to be concluded, last night they all tried to find a way of making the transfer. 

Yesterday, appeared already the first official declarations of the chiefs from Ştefan cel Mare with respect to the transfer, when, all of a sudden, they found out that the transaction is blocked by a detail regarding the work permit! :(

The player had already signed the transfer papers, he made his luggage, he called his friends to announce them the big news, when from England arrived an answer that he didn’t receive the work permit and the business failed. :(

The transaction was mediated by Marius Vizer, Cristi Borcea’s friend, who has relations at the London team. The parts agreed immediately about the details: Homei would leave borrowed for free until this summer to the team from London, and if the right defender of 21 years old yielded, Dinamo would have taken one million euro for a definitive transfer. 

9 matches played Homei at Dinamo this autumn, in all the competitions.

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