Articol de Dan Udrea - Publicat vineri, 06 februarie 2009 00:00
Ionel Danciulescu said yesterday that it's imposible for him to accept bonuses from other football clubs
Ionel Danciulescu is against prizes from other teams. He even raised his voice on this subject yesterday at GSP TV: "I am not interested about the squabbles taking place in Romania. I am training here, in Antalya, with Dinamo, because i want to win trophies. I don't need any money from another team, I don't agree with it. I am paid by Dinamo and that's what I know, that is what I am interested in."
Danciulescu, who is 32, said: "How could I be paid by Steaua? It would be imposible!". When he was asked if he has trust in football environment in which he plays, Danciulescu said that he "doesn't know if it is corrupt, but a shade of suspicion still exists... but we are hoping for a fair, clean football, why lie?".
"I'm not dying to play for the national team"
Even if he is a constant player, and was last season's top goalscorer, Ionel Danciulescu hasn't been called up to the national squad. He hadn't been called yet, for the match with Croatia. "I am not interested in this subject. I am the supporter of Romania, but I'm not dying to play for the national team. I want to the best for Dinamo and nothing more."
Lobby: "I'm afraid only of God"
The captain of Dinamo, Bogdan Lobont, spoke last night about the new season and he said that he is not afraid of any other team. "We are preparing in Antalya and its not at all so easy. Anyway, I'm only afraid of God!". Lobby was kind with Dorin Goian, who said "if Steaua doesn't take the first place, I'll do my best so Dinamo doesn't either". "It is his opinion, he is my friend and I don't want to answer to him".
Un nou transfer la FCSB! Gigi Becali, pentru GSP: „Luni dăm banii. Merge în cantonament”
Dinamo a ajuns în Antalya » Din Turcia, „câinii” anunță categoric: „Locul nostru e în play-off!”