Lacatus is no longer Steaua's coach

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 17 mai 2009 00:00

They will choose a friendly way of breaking up so that none of the two parts may be liable to pay 250.000 euro, the amount which represents the clause for  discharge or resign

The match with Rapid (1-2) was the last one for Marius Lăcătuş as the coach of Steaua. Although he said after the match that he won’t resign, "The Beast" won’t be anymore the coach of red-blues. "I will have an appointment with Gigi on Sunday and we’ll see what we have to do. We talked on the phone, but we need to discuss face to face", said Lăcătuş yesterday at GSP TV.

Lăcătuş said in the end of the match with Rapid that he doesn't want to leave  (video)

Today, the sponsor and the coach from Steaua will meet at the residence of the first mentioned and they will agree to leave conjunctly. "Marius will leave without being discharged. I won’t discharge him", said Becali immediately after the match. "I won’t resign, but if the sponsor asks me to do this, then I will leave", :s replied Lăcă.

The clause kept him as coach at Steaua
Why none of the two parts did anything? In the contract which Lăcătuş signed with Steaua, there is a clause according to which the club must pay 250.000 euro if they discharge him, :o and Lăcă would be in charge of paying the same amount if he resigns. That is why, Becali asked him to come for a discussion, and in the end of this discussion they will announce that the collaboration finishes. Today, there are exactly 5 months since Marius was chaired again as the main coach in Ghencea.

"I don’t want to talk about the appointment from Sunday. I have talked with Lăcătuş on the phone; it’s useless to comment now. We’ll have a discussion face to face because Marius wants so and we’ll see what’s going to be next"
Gigi Becali, sponsor at Steaua

"Sincerely, I am really sorry because the supporters ask him to resign, but one thing is known. Gigi Becali is not guilty for this thing"
Gigi Becali, sponsor at Steaua

They will choose a friendly way of breaking up so that none of the two parts may be liable to pay 250.000 euro, the amount which represents the clause for  discharge or resign

The match with Rapid (1-2) was the last one for Marius Lăcătuş as the coach of Steaua. Although he said after the match that he won’t resign, "The Beast" won’t be anymore the coach of red-blues. "I will have an appointment with Gigi on Sunday and we’ll see what we have to do. We talked on the phone, but we need to discuss face to face", said Lăcătuş yesterday at GSP TV.

Lăcătuş said in the end of the match with Rapid that he doesn't want to leave  (video)

Today, the sponsor and the coach from Steaua will meet at the residence of the first mentioned and they will agree to leave conjunctly. "Marius will leave without being discharged. I won’t discharge him", said Becali immediately after the match. "I won’t resign, but if the sponsor asks me to do this, then I will leave", :s replied Lăcă.

The clause kept him as coach at Steaua
Why none of the two parts did anything? In the contract which Lăcătuş signed with Steaua, there is a clause according to which the club must pay 250.000 euro if they discharge him, :o and Lăcă would be in charge of paying the same amount if he resigns. That is why, Becali asked him to come for a discussion, and in the end of this discussion they will announce that the collaboration finishes. Today, there are exactly 5 months since Marius was chaired again as the main coach in Ghencea.

"I don’t want to talk about the appointment from Sunday. I have talked with Lăcătuş on the phone; it’s useless to comment now. We’ll have a discussion face to face because Marius wants so and we’ll see what’s going to be next"
Gigi Becali, sponsor at Steaua

"Sincerely, I am really sorry because the supporters ask him to resign, but one thing is known. Gigi Becali is not guilty for this thing"
Gigi Becali, sponsor at Steaua

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