Articol de Andrei Crăiţoiu, Dan Udrea - Publicat marti, 09 iunie 2009 00:00
Bergodi will be the coach who has to retrieve Surdu, Szekely and Pleşan, Dinu "Vamă" will be in charge with the transfers, and the grounds will be closed
Two days before the last match of the championship, Gigi Becali made the strategy for the nest season.
The employees have been already announced how will look Steaua starting with July 1st, which will be the flow chart of the club and what responsibilities will have each one.
Bergodi’s mission: retrieving expensive transfers
The first thing which Gigi Becali said that he solved is related to the new coach: "That will be Bergodi. He spoke with Renzo Rossi and he said that after the match with Rapid, we will sign the contract". The Italian has to fulfill a few important tasks already indicated by the sponsor:
1. "I want the team to come again to the spectacular stile, with a very fast play and a lot of passes".
2. "The coach represents at least 60 % of the team value. Players such as Surdu, Szekely and Pleşan must be determined to play at their real value. How did Răzvan Lucescu manage to make Surdu give 8 goals in a championship, and as long as he was here he scored only once in two years?"
Bergodi’s salary: 250.000 euro
Dinu "Vamă" will be in charge with the transfers
The second problem whom Becali said yesterday is almost solved: "Dinu Vamă will be in charge with the transfers because he is a professional in this domain", said. Dinu Gheorghe will also sign a contract with Steaua and he will be appointed on the position of sports director. He will be the connection between the team and the sponsor, just as it was Mihai Stoica.
Dinu Gheorghe’s salary: 150.000 euro
Nine transfers!
The new image of Steaua will also have a campaign of purchases. The team will be revived in 3 ways:
1. 5 players from Steaua II
"It is mandatory to be promoted 5-6 football players from the second team", said Becali. Mustaţă, Iacob, Filip, Onicaş, Rusu and Văduva are the first on this list. They will be taken in the training camp with the team and, depending on their efficiency; they will stay at Steaua and will be trained by Bergodi.
2. Three-four transfers
Becali changed his view also regarding the players’ transfers. "We will buy three or four players, but appreciated. We are in deep need of a forward, or even two", declared Becali.
3. Who has an offer, will leave, who doesn’t have one, will stay
Even if they spoke about massive cleaning, Becali decided, actually, something else. "You cannot dismiss the players just like that. They have contracts which must be paid. It is possible to leave 1, 2, 3, 5 players, but they may also stay and nobody leaves", explained Becali.
The title and then a semifinal or a final in Europe League
Bergodi will have clear purposes. He has to win the title in the next season or, if the finished on the second place, it is mandatory to play in Champions League. Anyway, Becali has another great challenge. "Until the end of my mandate of euro-parliamentary I really want to, play a semifinal or a final of Europe League. Do you imagine the way I could present myself there, in the assembly room, proud - because everybody knows me as the sponsor of Steaua and then as politician", said Becali. The mandate of euro-parliamentary finishes in 2014.
Enormous bonuses only when they fulfill the purpose
This is the domain where Gigi Becali involved directly. Directivele lui?
1. Bonus of 300.000 euro for the access in Champions League
From now on there won’t be any match bonuses, but only for the fulfillment of an important purpose. For example, if Steaua wins the title in the next season, each important player could receive a record bonus: 300.000 euro!
2. If they miss Europe League, fine of 10%
The new financial policy has already been activated. If Steaua won’t play in Europe League after the match from Urziceni, every player’s contract will be reduced with 10 %. If the team finishes on the first 6 places, it will receive a financial bonus only if it passes the preliminaries and reaches in groups C2.
3. The maximum salary will be of 100.000 euro
"I want that in 3-4 years the salaries at Steaua to be around 100.000 euro. You won’t see any player to earn more starting with 2012", said Becali.
Se închid peluzele
Cea mai dură decizie pentru sezonul următor se referă la suporteri.
1. Peluza Sud în renovare
"Voi închide peluzele şi chiar nu glumesc. Peluza Sud sigur intră în reparaţii, la fel şi Peluza Nord, dar p-asta o deschid la meciurile din Europa, că am nevoie să vînd bilete", a spus Becali.
2. Femeile şi studenţii vor avea gratuitate
Mai departe, Becali ştie şi cum va popula tribunele: "Biletele la tribune vor fi foarte ieftine, însă primii care vor intra vor fi femeile, copiii şi studenţii, toţi avînd acces gratuit. O să vedeţi ce atmosferă frumoasă va fi".
"Pe Dayro Moreno nu-l mai vreau eu la echipă. E foarte obraznic, a început să facă figuri, iar la mine nu merge aşa. Să dea cineva jumătate din suma pe care am dat-o pe el şi îi spun la revedere"
Gigi Becali
4 jucători vor completa lotul în vară: Tătăruşanu, Vâtcă, Surdu şi Rada, ultimii 3 revenind după expirarea împrumuturilor la Gaz Metan, FC Braşov şi CS Otopeni
3 ani au trecut de cînd Steaua a cîştigat ultimul trofeu: titlul de campioană în sezonul 2005-2006
2.000 de euro va încasa fiecare jucător de la echipa a doua a clubului pentru promovarea în Liga a II-a, obţinută în acest sezon
10.000 de locuri e capacitatea celor două peluze ale stadionului din Ghencea
5 milioane de euro e suma pe care Steaua a încasat-o doar în sezonul actual din biletele la cele 20 de meciuri oficiale de pe teren propriu (4 în Liga Campionilor şi 16 în Liga I)
Bergodi will be the coach who has to retrieve Surdu, Szekely and Pleşan, Dinu "Vamă" will be in charge with the transfers, and the grounds will be closed
Two days before the last match of the championship, Gigi Becali made the strategy for the nest season.
The employees have been already announced how will look Steaua starting with July 1st, which will be the flow chart of the club and what responsibilities will have each one.
Bergodi’s mission: retrieving expensive transfers
The first thing which Gigi Becali said that he solved is related to the new coach: "That will be Bergodi. He spoke with Renzo Rossi and he said that after the match with Rapid, we will sign the contract". The Italian has to fulfill a few important tasks already indicated by the sponsor:
1. "I want the team to come again to the spectacular stile, with a very fast play and a lot of passes".
2. "The coach represents at least 60 % of the team value. Players such as Surdu, Szekely and Pleşan must be determined to play at their real value. How did Răzvan Lucescu manage to make Surdu give 8 goals in a championship, and as long as he was here he scored only once in two years?"
Bergodi’s salary: 250.000 euro
Dinu "Vamă" will be in charge with the transfers
The second problem whom Becali said yesterday is almost solved: "Dinu Vamă will be in charge with the transfers because he is a professional in this domain", said. Dinu Gheorghe will also sign a contract with Steaua and he will be appointed on the position of sports director. He will be the connection between the team and the sponsor, just as it was Mihai Stoica.
Dinu Gheorghe’s salary: 150.000 euro
Nine transfers!
The new image of Steaua will also have a campaign of purchases. The team will be revived in 3 ways:
1. 5 players from Steaua II
"It is mandatory to be promoted 5-6 football players from the second team", said Becali. Mustaţă, Iacob, Filip, Onicaş, Rusu and Văduva are the first on this list. They will be taken in the training camp with the team and, depending on their efficiency; they will stay at Steaua and will be trained by Bergodi.
2. Three-four transfers
Becali changed his view also regarding the players’ transfers. "We will buy three or four players, but appreciated. We are in deep need of a forward, or even two", declared Becali.
3. Who has an offer, will leave, who doesn’t have one, will stay
Even if they spoke about massive cleaning, Becali decided, actually, something else. "You cannot dismiss the players just like that. They have contracts which must be paid. It is possible to leave 1, 2, 3, 5 players, but they may also stay and nobody leaves", explained Becali.
The title and then a semifinal or a final in Europe League
Bergodi will have clear purposes. He has to win the title in the next season or, if the finished on the second place, it is mandatory to play in Champions League. Anyway, Becali has another great challenge. "Until the end of my mandate of euro-parliamentary I really want to, play a semifinal or a final of Europe League. Do you imagine the way I could present myself there, in the assembly room, proud - because everybody knows me as the sponsor of Steaua and then as politician", said Becali. The mandate of euro-parliamentary finishes in 2014.
Enormous bonuses only when they fulfill the purpose
This is the domain where Gigi Becali involved directly. Directivele lui?
1. Bonus of 300.000 euro for the access in Champions League
From now on there won’t be any match bonuses, but only for the fulfillment of an important purpose. For example, if Steaua wins the title in the next season, each important player could receive a record bonus: 300.000 euro!
2. If they miss Europe League, fine of 10%
The new financial policy has already been activated. If Steaua won’t play in Europe League after the match from Urziceni, every player’s contract will be reduced with 10 %. If the team finishes on the first 6 places, it will receive a financial bonus only if it passes the preliminaries and reaches in groups C2.
3. The maximum salary will be of 100.000 euro
"I want that in 3-4 years the salaries at Steaua to be around 100.000 euro. You won’t see any player to earn more starting with 2012", said Becali.
Se închid peluzele
Cea mai dură decizie pentru sezonul următor se referă la suporteri.
1. Peluza Sud în renovare
"Voi închide peluzele şi chiar nu glumesc. Peluza Sud sigur intră în reparaţii, la fel şi Peluza Nord, dar p-asta o deschid la meciurile din Europa, că am nevoie să vînd bilete", a spus Becali.
2. Femeile şi studenţii vor avea gratuitate
Mai departe, Becali ştie şi cum va popula tribunele: "Biletele la tribune vor fi foarte ieftine, însă primii care vor intra vor fi femeile, copiii şi studenţii, toţi avînd acces gratuit. O să vedeţi ce atmosferă frumoasă va fi".
"Pe Dayro Moreno nu-l mai vreau eu la echipă. E foarte obraznic, a început să facă figuri, iar la mine nu merge aşa. Să dea cineva jumătate din suma pe care am dat-o pe el şi îi spun la revedere"
Gigi Becali
4 jucători vor completa lotul în vară: Tătăruşanu, Vâtcă, Surdu şi Rada, ultimii 3 revenind după expirarea împrumuturilor la Gaz Metan, FC Braşov şi CS Otopeni
3 ani au trecut de cînd Steaua a cîştigat ultimul trofeu: titlul de campioană în sezonul 2005-2006
2.000 de euro va încasa fiecare jucător de la echipa a doua a clubului pentru promovarea în Liga a II-a, obţinută în acest sezon
10.000 de locuri e capacitatea celor două peluze ale stadionului din Ghencea
5 milioane de euro e suma pe care Steaua a încasat-o doar în sezonul actual din biletele la cele 20 de meciuri oficiale de pe teren propriu (4 în Liga Campionilor şi 16 în Liga I)