The players from Steaua are indignant at the new financial strategy imposed by Becali: «Bonuses of Division B!»

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 27 februarie 2009 00:00

If Steaua wins tonight, every football player will receive 500 euro, three times less than one year ago

Gigi Becali has taken another important financial decision against the players. After he managed to get rid of some players with big salaries, he announced them few days ago that the bonuses from the championship been reduced drastically. Gigi Becali: "I will halve the bonuses"  (video)

"For the match with FC Vaslui, but also for all the other matches played at home, every victory means 500 euro. That’s al land nothing more! In a matche played away you receive 1.000 euro" was Becali’s message. The players didn’t like at all the decision taken by the sponsor. :("Instead of offering us more money, he promises awards to other teams. He has more trust in other players that he has in us", was the message of complaint of the players.
Just like 10 years ago
The decrease is a big one with respect to the same period from last year. The last time when the players from Steaua were promised such a bonus happened almost 10 years ago, before Gigi Becali started to invest in Ghencea! When Viorel Păunescu was president, i.e. in the season 1999-2000, the players from Steaua were promised 450 dollars at victory in Ghencea and 900 when playing away.

The title or the Champions League doubles the bonuses
A very important provision in the new Internal Rules refers to what happens if Steaua wins the championship or it will be on the 2nd place and will qualify then in the groups from Champions League. In this situation, the bonuses colligated of the players along the return will be double ;) and Goian and co. will receive these amounts after they accomplish the purpose.

"I have never heard to any club from abroad about bonus for victories. What does it mean? Why do the players receive a salary? Isn’t their duty to win the matches or are they paid month after month to loose them?"
Ilie Năstase

"That’s the way Hagi loves Steaua?"

Gigi Becali commented the information offered yesterday by gsp, according to which Hagi convinced a coach from the Children Centre of Steaua to be employed at the Football Academy of the "King". "Hagi does not love this club as much as he says he does and this is the proof. And he is so good in what he does that he started to take coaches from the structure I made. He called several people from Steaua through Zoltan Iaşko, but only one accepted", said Becali.

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