Urziceni provoked to Steaua the first defeat in this season

Articol de - Publicat luni, 17 august 2009 00:00

A match in Ghencea without spectators, is like a penalty. Without spectators and on an execrable field, a match in Ghencea seems to be impossible. Without spectators, on an execrable field and with Gigi Becali’s inelegant commentaries which you hear even if you don’t want to, a match in Ghencea is a nightmare.

This way was Steaua - Urziceni last night in the first half. Football with the dropper. The occasions were just some anemic shot. Bilaşco shot well, but Tătăruşanu (7) drew out, and the free kick well executed by Pădureţu highlighted the same goalkeeper. On the other hand, Szekely wanted to impress Becali and he created a wonderful phase, he centered perfectly, but Kapetanos’ "head” was covered by Arlauskis (34).

That was the football in the first 45 minutes, plus Becali’s remarks, who shouted at Colţescu, at MM and at Dan Petrescu, the last one being the only person who indulged in making a discreet gesture by which to ironize the talkative box. The circus from the official box didn’t stop not even after the replay, but it was eclipsed by the good start of the first half for Steaua. Szekely showed once again that he is not good at football, he stunned Bordeanu, he gave a perfect assist to Kapetanos, but Arlauskis played the role of Spiderman (46).

The expansion of the little Apostol
The match Meciul entered then in lethargy and the goalpost situations appeared rarely, only in corners. Becali relaxed in the chair and addressed ironically to Dan Petrescu: "After the way you play, you won’t score here not even in 100 years!". After 5 minutes, Apostol, maybe the shortest on the field, scored with the head (72)!

Then followed Steaua’s breakthrough, but the bar helped the champion at the splendid execution made by Ochiroşii (77). 0-1, Steaua’s first defeat in the new season and the end of the match found Becali in a deep silence. But it was too late. He had spoken too much against the team before the match, and the football punished him. And is not for the first time!

A match in Ghencea without spectators, is like a penalty. Without spectators and on an execrable field, a match in Ghencea seems to be impossible. Without spectators, on an execrable field and with Gigi Becali’s inelegant commentaries which you hear even if you don’t want to, a match in Ghencea is a nightmare.

This way was Steaua - Urziceni last night in the first half. Football with the dropper. The occasions were just some anemic shot. Bilaşco shot well, but Tătăruşanu (7) drew out, and the free kick well executed by Pădureţu highlighted the same goalkeeper. On the other hand, Szekely wanted to impress Becali and he created a wonderful phase, he centered perfectly, but Kapetanos’ "head” was covered by Arlauskis (34).

That was the football in the first 45 minutes, plus Becali’s remarks, who shouted at Colţescu, at MM and at Dan Petrescu, the last one being the only person who indulged in making a discreet gesture by which to ironize the talkative box. The circus from the official box didn’t stop not even after the replay, but it was eclipsed by the good start of the first half for Steaua. Szekely showed once again that he is not good at football, he stunned Bordeanu, he gave a perfect assist to Kapetanos, but Arlauskis played the role of Spiderman (46).

The expansion of the little Apostol
The match Meciul entered then in lethargy and the goalpost situations appeared rarely, only in corners. Becali relaxed in the chair and addressed ironically to Dan Petrescu: "After the way you play, you won’t score here not even in 100 years!". After 5 minutes, Apostol, maybe the shortest on the field, scored with the head (72)!

Then followed Steaua’s breakthrough, but the bar helped the champion at the splendid execution made by Ochiroşii (77). 0-1, Steaua’s first defeat in the new season and the end of the match found Becali in a deep silence. But it was too late. He had spoken too much against the team before the match, and the football punished him. And is not for the first time!

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Comentarii (2)
 •  18 August 2009, 06:49

shouted at MM :))))))

 •  18 August 2009, 01:46

Vai de capul si de engleza astuia care scrie in "romleza". Daca n-as fi roman nu as intelege nimic. Dar, la o adica, voi chiar credeti ca cineva citeste in "engleza"???

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