FOTBAL  »  Superliga  »  STEAUA - POLI TIMIŞOARA 2-2

Steaua's play is in progress, but Timişoara was a tough nut: «Work without laurelsi»

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 16 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Steaua had the 11th match with no victory and last night draw away from the title, Dayro and Rădoi obtaining only a draw game with Poli Timişoara bănăţenii

The first impression created last night in Ghencea: Steaua is not Steaua anymore! The dialogue is missing, on the ground, and on the stands, the game is weak and if something is good, this is arbitrary. 

The second impression: when the game is weak, it is weak until the end! :( this includes Dayro Moreno’s bars (15 and 89), five bars in four matches  for Steaua, or the phase in the 34th minute, when the players from Steaua benefited quite easy of free kick from 17 meters. Neaga shot straight to Dayro, what can we comment?!

The third impression: the differences between the workers and the figurants. In the first class, there were Ogăraru, Bănel, Goe, Rădoi, who really want to do something. In the second class is undoubtedly Kapetanos, who was much complimented at the derby with Dinamo, when he even scored. Neaga, the surprise-title didn’t make a very good job, either, but at least he ran on the ground, he has done all his best. :S

A different category is represented by Dayro. He can miss very easily, but he is the only one who can bring brightness and a few points. The draw goal given with the head is the best example. Zapata represents another chapter. Sometimes he gets out of the goalpost at random, sometimes he saves the team like a hero and everything is at extremes.  He didn’t have what to do at the first goal given by Poli Timisoara, when Ghionea’s deviation, at Goga’s shot (51), Steaua’s killer was fatal for him. You can see images with Dayro Moreno’s accident.  

The fourth impression: the destiny shows all its faces! Timişoara’s hero, Bădoi, had just said before the match that he had the worst moments of his career at Steaua.  It was the “Wolf” revenge with a magnificent goal in the 77th minute, from a free kick. The fifth impression: Rădoi is indispensable for Steaua. He drew in the right moment, in the 79th minute, avoiding the chaos. He saved a draw game, but Steaua is, even if you believe it or not, at the 11th consecutive match with no victory. :O

"I have been training Steaua for 3 laps and I am responsible for these three results, and not for the 11 matches without victory. This is a results crisis."
DORINEL MUNTEANU, the coach of Steaua

"Dorinel was very optimistic when he came to Steaua. He accepted very easy without thinking that it is very hard to training in Ghencea. There are a lot of players who must leave from Steaua!"

"I think that the players from Poli Timisoara have very good reasons to be happy for the way they played.  I believe that we will be given back the six penalty points"
DUŞAN UHRIN, the coach of Poli Timişoara

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Comentarii (48)
 •  17 Noiembrie 2008, 13:30

Colectivul Stealei ii da o lectie lui Bacali, cel care plateste mai mult pe la alte echipe decat pe proprii lui jucatori! Rusine lui Becali pentru primele cu Galata, unde a uitat ce a promis. E ca si cum ai chema instalatorul, te-ai tocmi cu el pe o suma si apoi i-ai da pe jumatate! Steaua poate mai mult si asta s-a vazut cand a fost condusa! Jucatorii fac egal pentru a-l pedepsi pe Bacali!

 •  17 Noiembrie 2008, 10:03

eduarde,a fost ultimul mesaj al meu pe GSP,

 •  17 Noiembrie 2008, 10:01


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