"The dogs" found a substitute for George Blay: «A defender from Champions League»

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 16 noiembrie 2008 00:00

                                              Because Blay enters in the last 6 months of contract in January, "the dogs "want to transfer Mohamed Sarr, from Boloni’s team, former player at Milan

"The dogs" are testing the market for the training round in winter and wants to be sure of the transfers. Besides the Israeli midfield Salim Toama (29), Dinamo could also transfer Mahomed Sarr from Standard Liege! This would be a great hit, if we take into consideration that the Senegalese (24), who plays as central and right defender, is title at Belgium champion team and he dressed the T-shirt of AC Milan. :O

Sarr played only one game in the T-shirt of Standard Liege, whose player was in the period 2001-2005. He stayed for one season in Italy, and played in many games for Milan’s second team, after this he was borrowed at Galatasaray, Ancona, Atalanta and Vittoria. In 2005 he arrived at Liege and he has been playing for 3 years there, he is a very important player. 

Blay said no!
Sarr is regarded foe a transfer because the player from Dinamo George Blay doesn’t want to extend the agreement which expires this summer. The Ghanese (28) is not content with his wage :S of 5.400 euro per month. Dinamo offered him a contract of 8.000 euro per month, but Blay didn’t accept it until now. As right defenders could also play Homei (21) who plays rarely and  Awoa Zoa (20).

1,2 millions euro is the amount asked by Standard for Mohamed Sarr

350.000 euro is the annual wage which Sarr has at Standard Liege

Sarr has 15 matches and one goal  in this season for Standard. Altogether, in 3 years of playing in Belgium, he played in 103 matches

Borcea: "2-0 and we finish the first this year" ;)
Cristi Borcea is trusts the chances of the teal trained by Rednic of defeating tonight with Urziceni: "I think we will win with 2-0 and this way we will finish on the first place this year, and we’ll have the first chance to win the title. We depend only on pour players. We have to defeat Urziceni, especially that didn’t win until now, since this team entered in League 1. And more that that, they ruined our party from last year when we won the title in Ştefan cel Mare". Borcea says that Dinamo will have face of Champions League in the return

The best possible
Mircea Rednic has reasons to be satisfied, :) because no important player got wounded this week, and Tamaş, Niculae and Julio Cesar trained normally even last night at Săftica. They all can play for Dinamo, the same happens with Diabate, who also trains normally. The coach tried last night different modules of playing and he made much of the fixed phases, both offensive and defensive.

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Comentarii (14)
 •  16 Noiembrie 2008, 18:47

Bai omule,sa iti fie rusine,in primul rand te semnezi cu numele uni simbol si in al doilea rand sa iti fie rusine ca te ieie de simbolul nostru si cu exprimarea aia stelist"usa in tavan",esti chiar penibil,iate de club de orice ,dar nu de regretatul Catalin,urat din partea acelor oameni care gandesc ca tine,nu injur si nu jignesc,nu imi sta in caracter,dar Dumnezeu sa aiba mila de tine!

 •  16 Noiembrie 2008, 16:58

Salut catzelushii mei ...sunt eu unicu capitanutz...m-am intors...mi-am tras usa in TAVAN si curand va astept pe toti sa ma urmati ca asta ne e destinu 2 m sub pamant ca e putem striga AU AU AU cat vrem fara sa ne confunde lumea cu maidanezii de prin buCUResti.Forzza Provincia,Forzza Stiinta ....h3h3h3h3h3h3

 •  16 Noiembrie 2008, 16:05 ink ceva....dc va tot legati de REDNIC????eu cred ca el e unul dintre cei mai buni antrenori din ROMANIA> in caz ca ar veni Lucescu...mi-ar placea sa fie 2 antrenori...cum a fost cu talnar si multescu fi fff bine pt atunci am putea spera la ceva cupa europeana!!!

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