Dayro Moreno is tempted by de Poli

Dayro Moreno, Moreno, Steaua
Dayro Moreno, Moreno, Steaua

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 18 ianuarie 2010 00:00


  1. After he declared that he would never come back to Romania, Dayro Moreno transmitted to his agent that Timişoara’s offer is tempting

    Dayro Moreno’s transfer from Steaua to Poli Timişoara for 550.000 euro could be concluded on Wednesday the latest.

    The officials from Poli have managed to discuss with the agent of the player, Alvaro Munoz Castro, who asked them a proposal on mail in order to discuss it with Dayro. "I asked him that the player shall contact us personally in order to hear from him that he is interested in the proposal we advanced. The agent told us that the player is tempted to come at Poli, but we want to hear this from Dayro. His agent asked us a proposal on mail, but we have surpassed this stage long time ago", explained the sponsor Marian Iancu.

    Besides, the leaders from Timişoara have already invited Dayro and his agent at Bucharest in order to start the discussions for signing the contract, if the player is tempted to return to Romania. Moreno has another proposal to return to Once Caldas, the team from where he transferred at Steaua, but the offer of the Columbians is obviously inferior to the one proposed by Poli.

     "We are still in negotiations with his agent, and it seems that Dayro has changed his opinions after he heard of our interest"
    Gheorghe Chivorchian, executive director Poli

    "I have heard that Dayro is interested to play at Poli Timişoara, but we want to hear this straight from him, and not by intermediaries"
    Marian Iancu, patron Poli

    Lăudat de Chivorchian
    The executive director of Poli, Gheorghe Chivorchian, is convinced that Dayro will sign with Poli. "Are people surprised by our interest for Dayro? Why? He is a football player who plays on 4 positions. He covers the posts of forward, he can play anytime in the middle, and when you have a purpose as that we have, you have to think at such players. We shouldn’t forget that he won Copa Libertadores! Since he has been evolving at Steaua he scored more than 10 goals. I don’t think this is few", said Chivorchian. (Adrian Bucur)

    180.000 euro is the salary proposed to Dayro by Poli Timişoara

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