Articol de Andrei Crăiţoiu - Publicat marti, 25 august 2009 00:00
After the incidents from the match disputed on Thursday between Dinamo and Slovan Liberec, when the referee decided to stop the match in the minute 88, because of the supporters who entered on the running track, the football club Dinamo decided to lodge a complaint against the gallery of their own supporters.
It is for the first time in the history of the Romanian football when a football club claims its own gallery at the police, for the incidents provoked in a football match.
A gallery with less supporters!
The spokesman of Bucharest Police, Christian Ciocan, confirmed the information found out by GSP. "The club Dinamo lodged a complaint against the supporters who entered on the field in the match from Europe League. From this moment on, the police will start to identify the persons who destroyed the fences and produced incidents.
The persons will be identified through the recordings made by the monitoring cameras offered by the club, but also on the basis of the video images offered by the Gendarmerie. I guarantee you that we will identify all the persons!", said Ciocan for Gazeta Sporturilor.
What does provide the law 4?
According to the Law regarding the prevention and elimination of violence with the occasion of the competitions and the sport games, known also as "Mitică’s Law", article 2, paragraph j, provides the access or participation prohibition to some competitions or sport games – the security measure disposed by the court or the complementary contraventional sanction disposed by the finding agent, through which a person’s access/ participation is forbidden on a period from 3 months to 3 years to some competitions or sport games
What are the provisions of the article 217 from the Penal Code?
"The destruction, the degradation of a good which belongs to another person or the obstruction of taking the measures of conservation or saving such a good, but also the elimination of the taken measures, are penalized with the imprisonment from one month to 3 years or with a fine. If the good has a great artistic, scientific, historical, archive value or another such value, the penalty is imprisonment from 1 to 10 years.
Distrugerea, degradarea sau aducerea în stare de neîntrebuinţare a unei conducte petroliere sau de gaze, a unui cablu de înaltă tensiune, a echipamentelor şi instalaţiilor de telecomunicaţii sau pentru difuzarea programelor de radio şi televiziune ori a sistemelor de alimentare cu apă şi a conductelor magistrale de alimentare cu apă, se pedepsesc cu închisoare de la unu la 10 ani. Dacă distrugerea, degradarea sau aducerea în stare de neîntrebuinţare se săvârşeşte prin incendiere, explozie ori prin orice alt asemenea mijloc şi dacă rezultă pericol public, pedeapsa este închisoarea de la 3 la 15 ani".
Triunghi amoros la FCSB: „Ngezana i-a furat iubita româncă. Ei îi plac ăștia mai puternici”