Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 14 august 2009 00:00
The Italians from Livorno announced their presence on Sunday in Bucharest to discuss with the officials from Steaua about Sorin Ghionea’s transfer in Series A.
The peninsulars will also watch the match between Steaua and Unirea Urziceni, although Ghionea won’t be on the ground because he is injured.
Livorno prepares an offer of 700.000 euro for Steaua’s captain, but the officials from Ghencea are not willing to give up the stopper of 30 years old.
The Italians from Livorno announced their presence on Sunday in Bucharest to discuss with the officials from Steaua about Sorin Ghionea’s transfer in Series A.
The peninsulars will also watch the match between Steaua and Unirea Urziceni, although Ghionea won’t be on the ground because he is injured.
Livorno prepares an offer of 700.000 euro for Steaua’s captain, but the officials from Ghencea are not willing to give up the stopper of 30 years old.
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