Podolski commends Timişoara: "It has a technical team, good, with great potential!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 21 iulie 2009 00:00

The forward who came at FC Koln from Bayern Munchen, Lukas Podolski, had only praise words with respect to Politehnca Timişoara, who lost with the score of 0-2, the friendly match played yesterday against the Germans.

This way, Poli played yesterday the second match in three days against a team from Bundesliga. After Sabău’s titles surpassed clearly the second line from Eintracht, yesterday "Moţu’s" reserves met almost the best team in Koln, which occupied the 12th place last season.

Mondragon, Wome, Petit and Podolski were just a few of the big names who were yesterday from the first minute in Zvonimir Soldo’s team, while, the usual titles from Poli, were not even on the reserve bench.

Lukas Podolski, Koln’s forward, declared at sportro, at the end of the match:

"Poli has very good players, with a great potential. I have seen that almost all the players from Poli are young. There was a hard test, given against a strong adversary, but everything was good in the end".

The forward who came at FC Koln from Bayern Munchen, Lukas Podolski, had only praise words with respect to Politehnca Timişoara, who lost with the score of 0-2, the friendly match played yesterday against the Germans.

This way, Poli played yesterday the second match in three days against a team from Bundesliga. After Sabău’s titles surpassed clearly the second line from Eintracht, yesterday "Moţu’s" reserves met almost the best team in Koln, which occupied the 12th place last season.

Mondragon, Wome, Petit and Podolski were just a few of the big names who were yesterday from the first minute in Zvonimir Soldo’s team, while, the usual titles from Poli, were not even on the reserve bench.

Lukas Podolski, Koln’s forward, declared at sportro, at the end of the match:

"Poli has very good players, with a great potential. I have seen that almost all the players from Poli are young. There was a hard test, given against a strong adversary, but everything was good in the end".

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