The Club Rapid will be sanctioned because of the incidents from the derby

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 10 noiembrie 2008 00:00

The Romanian police force issued today a release through which they announce that pursuant to the incidents between the supporters which took place last night at the derby Rapid-Steaua, the club from Giuleşti will be sanctioned according to the laws in force:

The football match between the teams F.C. Rapid Bucharest and F.C. Steaua Bucharest, from League 1 took place on Sunday, November, 9th, on the stadium “Valentin Stănescu”.

Before the match started, around 9.00 p.m., a dispute took place in the crowd near the Maternity Hospital Giuleşti because a group of supporters from Rapid thrown with torches and other things to the supporters from Steaua who were walking to the stadium.    

The police force kept and escorted 8 persons to the Police Station no. 20 (6 supporters from Rapid because they provoked and participated to the scandal, 1 supporter from Rapid because he threaten with acts of violence and one supporter from Steaua for illegal carriage of petards).

After the supporters entered the stadium, before and during the football match, the supporters from both teams lighted torches and petards and they showed banners with obscene messages.

After the end of the match, owing to the incidents produced on the stadium, 19 persons were escorted to the Police Station no. 20, (14 supporters from Rapid and 5 supporters from Steaua). The police drafted them the precursory acts for committing 15 infractions of “holding and using inside the stadium torches and petards”. This deed is provided by the art.  35 align. 1 and 2 from the Law no. 4/2008 (13 infractions made by the supporters from Rapid and 2 infractions made by the supporters from Steaua). The police carried out 11 civil sanctions in total amount of 2.900 lei and a complementary civil sanction to interdict the access of 3 supporters to the sports competitions for a period of 1 year.  

Because they didn’t fulfill with success the duties provided by the Law 4/2008 both F.C. Rapid Bucharest, as the match organizer and the company for guard and protection will be sanctioned.  

Also, introduction and posting banners with obscene messages during the match will be subject to inform the Professional Football League to analyze and take the necessary steps. "

The Romanian police force issued today a release through which they announce that pursuant to the incidents between the supporters which took place last night at the derby Rapid-Steaua, the club from Giuleşti will be sanctioned according to the laws in force:

The football match between the teams F.C. Rapid Bucharest and F.C. Steaua Bucharest, from League 1 took place on Sunday, November, 9th, on the stadium “Valentin Stănescu”.

Before the match started, around 9.00 p.m., a dispute took place in the crowd near the Maternity Hospital Giuleşti because a group of supporters from Rapid thrown with torches and other things to the supporters from Steaua who were walking to the stadium.    

The police force kept and escorted 8 persons to the Police Station no. 20 (6 supporters from Rapid because they provoked and participated to the scandal, 1 supporter from Rapid because he threaten with acts of violence and one supporter from Steaua for illegal carriage of petards).

After the supporters entered the stadium, before and during the football match, the supporters from both teams lighted torches and petards and they showed banners with obscene messages.

After the end of the match, owing to the incidents produced on the stadium, 19 persons were escorted to the Police Station no. 20, (14 supporters from Rapid and 5 supporters from Steaua). The police drafted them the precursory acts for committing 15 infractions of “holding and using inside the stadium torches and petards”. This deed is provided by the art.  35 align. 1 and 2 from the Law no. 4/2008 (13 infractions made by the supporters from Rapid and 2 infractions made by the supporters from Steaua). The police carried out 11 civil sanctions in total amount of 2.900 lei and a complementary civil sanction to interdict the access of 3 supporters to the sports competitions for a period of 1 year.  

Because they didn’t fulfill with success the duties provided by the Law 4/2008 both F.C. Rapid Bucharest, as the match organizer and the company for guard and protection will be sanctioned.  

Also, introduction and posting banners with obscene messages during the match will be subject to inform the Professional Football League to analyze and take the necessary steps. "

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