Victor Becali: "Look at the team of Serbia! If Mutu knocks himself, we all tremble"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 24 martie 2009 00:00

The agent FIFA, Victor Becali, commented the chances of Romania in the confrontation with Serbia, in the match from Saturday, saying that the "tricolors" have to manifest devotedness, only this way they may impose in front of Serbs

"We can only defeat Serbia through attitude and an exemplary devotedness. We could defeat very well if Mutu has an exceptional day and if we organize the game very well, too, otherwise we cannot defeat them. Serbia is in a good moment. They have good players, they have many players.

Look also at the national team of young they have. If Chivu gets injured it’s a catastrophe, if Mutu knocks himself, we all tremble. They were always selling good players for a lot of money, even before the revolution, when we didn’t even think that we could sell players for six-seven millions", said Victor Becali at Sport Total FM.

The agent FIFA, Victor Becali, commented the chances of Romania in the confrontation with Serbia, in the match from Saturday, saying that the "tricolors" have to manifest devotedness, only this way they may impose in front of Serbs

"We can only defeat Serbia through attitude and an exemplary devotedness. We could defeat very well if Mutu has an exceptional day and if we organize the game very well, too, otherwise we cannot defeat them. Serbia is in a good moment. They have good players, they have many players.

Look also at the national team of young they have. If Chivu gets injured it’s a catastrophe, if Mutu knocks himself, we all tremble. They were always selling good players for a lot of money, even before the revolution, when we didn’t even think that we could sell players for six-seven millions", said Victor Becali at Sport Total FM.

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