Mircea Lucescu: "We dominated the final, e made what we wanted on the ground"

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 21 mai 2009 00:00

The coach from Şahtior Doneţk, Mircea Lucescu, spoke about the success registered by his team in the final of UEFA Cup and he says that the group from Ukraine should have imposed their superiority during the first 90 minutes.

"I am very happy, I thank to all those who participated to this glorious campaign: to the players, to the president and to my staff. We defeated a very valuable adversary who eliminated the powerful Italian teams to reach in the final.

We dominated the play, we made what we wanted on the ground, but, unfortunately, we scored only one goal in the first half.
After Naldo’s success we disorientated, but in the end we won. We are the logic winners of this confrontation!", explained Lucescu.

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