Mutu's gastronomic secret revealed by his mother, Rodica Mutu: "For Adi, the pork does not exist"

Articol de - Publicat luni, 23 februarie 2009 00:00

Wonder menu: beef and chicken broil, salads and fruits. Adi Mutu is now one of the most famous football player from Europe. The former player from FC Argeş and Dinamo scored in the last week four goals for Florentine, 2 of them – in the additional time of the matches with Genoa and Siena.

Adi’s mother, Mrs. Rodica Mutu, is acquainted with everything her son does and she knows very much about phenomenon called football. In her youth, Mrs. Mutu played football on the post of goalkeeper just like her husband, Spiridon Mutu. Mrs. Mutu told us about the „secrets” of the recipes which the "Briliant" prefers.

"The pig meat does not exist for Adi"

- Does Adi have a favourite dish?
- I want to tell you that the journalists wrote only untrue things about this subject. Some wrote that he likes very much the forcemeat rolls in cabbage, or another kind of dishes. Since he was a child, Adi he was not fastidious about his food. Adi was and he is a person who eats in order to live, he does not live to eat...

- This means that he doesn’t like the forcemeat rolls in cabbage?
- I don’t say that he doesn’t like them. I cook forcemeat rolls in cabbage for special occasions, especially for the feasts, but without pig meat, and Adi eats three, or maybe four. 

"He is very well-balanced in nutrition"

- Doesn’t he have a favourite dish now?
- You have to know that Adi keeps a diet, if I can call it this way. He prefers beef and chicken broil, salads and fruits.

- Doesn’t he eat pig broil?
- Not at all. The pig broil does not exist for him. 

- Does he eat sweets?
- He is very careful not to eat too many sweets because they fat, and he is very careful with his weight and with the way he looks. All I can say to you is that Adi is well-balanced in nutrition. He is very, very well-balanced. 

Mutu’s mother becalms us: "He will score for the national team, too"

- Did you speak with him after the match from the last lap?
- Yes, I did, and I told him that he got specialised in goals scored in the additional team...

- And what did he tell you?
- He laughed... He was content with his achievements from this return of championship. He scored 12 goals in this championship...

- ... And 105 in Italy!
- Yes, it’s true. In the last week, i.e. in the last two laps, Adi scored four goals, and in the last three laps he scored six goals. 

- Do you think he will score for the national team, too?
- Don’t worry. He will score for the national team, too, in the matches with Serbia and Austria. You’ll see! ;)

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