Manifest anti-Mircea Lucescu at Timişoara?

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 04 august 2009 00:00

GSP TV announces that the fans of Politehnica Timişoara could prepare a choreography anti-Mircea Lucescu with the occasion of the match from Champions League which Şahtior will have in Banat tomorrow. Why? The "viola" supporters want to remember to the Romanian coach about an event which took place 21 years ago.

The coach of Şahtior Doneţk is a contested person on Bega after, in 1988, was accused that he contributed decisively to Timişoara’s reduction into Division B.

It seems that after he lost at Timişoara, in November 1987, with the score 1-2, Mircea Lucescu entered in the locker room of Poli Timişoara and he threatened with repercussions, because of this result.

At the end of the season, Poli Timişoara demoted in the second league, the officials and the players from Poli Timişoara accusing "different means" used against the team.

Iulian Miu commented this rumour, declaring himself surprised of the initiative of Timişoara’s supporters: "Even if they don’t applaud Mircea Lucescu, at least the fans shouldn’t chant insults against him"

GSP TV announces that the fans of Politehnica Timişoara could prepare a choreography anti-Mircea Lucescu with the occasion of the match from Champions League which Şahtior will have in Banat tomorrow. Why? The "viola" supporters want to remember to the Romanian coach about an event which took place 21 years ago.

The coach of Şahtior Doneţk is a contested person on Bega after, in 1988, was accused that he contributed decisively to Timişoara’s reduction into Division B.

It seems that after he lost at Timişoara, in November 1987, with the score 1-2, Mircea Lucescu entered in the locker room of Poli Timişoara and he threatened with repercussions, because of this result.

At the end of the season, Poli Timişoara demoted in the second league, the officials and the players from Poli Timişoara accusing "different means" used against the team.

Iulian Miu commented this rumour, declaring himself surprised of the initiative of Timişoara’s supporters: "Even if they don’t applaud Mircea Lucescu, at least the fans shouldn’t chant insults against him"

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