Mircea Lucescu: "Sabău knows some of my decrets"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 28 iulie 2009 00:00

Today, the coach from Şahtior Doneţk has participated to a press conference organized by the Ukrainian club, where he spoke about the match with Poli Timişoara.

-In June you have been present at the final cup, between Timişoara and Cluj. Did you feel then that Poli will be the next adversary of Şahtior?

-It was known from the very beginning that we could play with Timişoara in Champions League and I didn’t travel the 400 km for the Romanian Cup in vain. We have prepared ourselves for any adversary and we collected information about all the adversaries. There is a great difference between the match with Rapid from UEFA Cup and the ones from the present.

Timişoara is a very good team, with many foreigners in the team. As far back as the team was trained by Uhrin they brought Czechs and Slovaks in the team. Poli could have won the championship last season, but it lost a few matches in the last laps and this thing cost it. They would have deserved to be championships, because they have a nice way of playing.

I know Sabău from the teams where I trained and he knows a few secrets of mine. He is a much disciplined coach and we expect to have a difficult match.

-Do you go to the match from Timişoara and if the answer is yes, then how are you going to arrive there?
-Of course I’ll go. I am going to travel by plane and I do not have secrets regarding this aspect.

-Is Chirgrinsky going to play in the match from tommorrow?
-I haven’t established yet what players will play in the first team.

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Comentarii (1)
 •  28 Iulie 2009, 23:09

ce-s alea 'decrets'? mama ei de limba engleza :)

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