Articol de Dan Udrea - Publicat duminica, 07 decembrie 2008 00:00
In spite of the numerous problems from the team, Dorinel is sure that can defeat Fiorentina
"Fiorentina is a strong team, we all know where this team performs and at what level, but nothing scares us!", encourages himself Dorinel Munteanu, trying this way to influence the players with his optimism in order to qualify on Wednesday evening in the "sixteenth" from UEFA Cup. Which is the only condition? The victory! A victory which must be obtained even if the "German" has some problems with the team before the duel with Mutu’s team.
1. The shield against-Mutu
"Both Ogăraru and Golanski could play against Fiorentina after the wounds they suffered", announced Munteanu. In spite of these things, the Polish has the biggest chances to enter in the first minute because he recovered better than George. So, Pawel, "in collaboration" with Rădoi, the one who will replace the suspended Goian in defensive, will have the mission to annihilate the star from Fiorentina, the Romanian Adrian Mutu.
2. Lovin has problems, Tiago plays title!
The Portuguese midfield was used as a title in the friendly match from Friday with the Romanian national team. This happened because Lovin is wounded, a fact confirmed by Munteanu, too: "He had some aches at the knee after the match with Unirea Urziceni. I do not know for sure if he is going to be recovered until the match with Fiorentina". In these conditions, Tiago would play as midfield in the end with Ovidiu Petre.
3. Bănel doesn’t have a rival
Although he doesn’t have a very good period, being upset with family problems, Nicoliţă remains the only variant for the post of right midfield. Including Bănel’s evolution from the friendly match played on Friday was a discreet one. The "German" will still trust "Jardel" because he doesn’t have other solutions on that side.
4. Toja in stead of Semedo
Semedo’s descendant evolutions from the last matches and the muscular fracture suffered by Szekely will make Toja to be, probably, the title on the right side. Besides, the Columbian played from the first minute in the friendly match from Friday. Dorinel also hopes that, Bogdan Stancu, absent because of some aches to his ankle, will recover until the match with the Italians: "He has a problem with his ankle. I am not sure if he plays".
5. Kapetanos, forced!
The Greek Kapetanos jaroned the entire staff from Ghencea after he got injured at the right pulp at the beginning of the match between Steaua and Romania A. "Katepanos doesn’t have anything serious!", Dorinel wanted to becalm the supporters. In spite of these things, the doctors make efforts to recover Pantelis until the match. This would be the only valid variant, if Gigi Becali cannot stand Arthuro and not even Munti likes him, and Stancu has problems.
Last evening he went with the players to the restaurant
Dorinel Munteanu established to start the training yesterday from 17.00. After the training session, the coach from Steaua went with the players to the restaurant in order to relax before the match from Wednesday with Fiorentina. "We need to have this kind of moments, too. We go to the restaurant, every week, since I came to Steaua", said Munti.
DORINEL MUNTEANU, the coach from Steaua
"Fiorentina has two chances to qualify, with a draw or a victory, but this thing makes us to wish even more the three points."
2 years, 3 months and 9 days have passed since the last and the only victory of Steaua in Champions league: Dinamo Kiev- Steaua 1-4, on 16th September 2006
Steaua has 1 point until now in group F, to a distance of two points from Fiorentina, whom Steaua made a draw in the tour (0-0)
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