The Italian journalists make a documentary about Mutu at Bucharest!

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 08 februarie 2010 00:00

An Italian television makes a documentary at Bucharest about Adrian Mutu and the latest events from the life of the forward from Fiorentina.

The journalists want to find out what is the environment in which the player grew, but also the way he is perceived by his team-mates, friends or simple fans. The producers of the movie will bring a team even in Piteşti in order to catch some shots with the house of Adrian’s parents, whom they will try to take an interview.

Adrian Mutu was found positive with sibutramine two times in only 10 days after the matches with Bari and Lazio, being suspended temporary until CONI takes a decision with respect to this issue.

An Italian television makes a documentary at Bucharest about Adrian Mutu and the latest events from the life of the forward from Fiorentina.

The journalists want to find out what is the environment in which the player grew, but also the way he is perceived by his team-mates, friends or simple fans. The producers of the movie will bring a team even in Piteşti in order to catch some shots with the house of Adrian’s parents, whom they will try to take an interview.

Adrian Mutu was found positive with sibutramine two times in only 10 days after the matches with Bari and Lazio, being suspended temporary until CONI takes a decision with respect to this issue.

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