«A knife in sport's heart» Three knives stab killed the handball player Marian Cozma

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 09 februarie 2009 00:00

Marian Cozma died because of three knives stab, on Saturday night, at 03:00, in Veszprem

Saturday night, at 23:00, Marian called his parents in Bucharest. He radiated.

- How-do-you-do, mother, how are you?
- I am at home with Andrei, he is always up to mischief. I have just laid him to sleep.

- Mom, you know that I had a match today. We won, I scored four goals and we have  also obtained four shots from seven meters. Now, we are going to a party, Gergo Ivancsik’s wife, you know him, the little one from the wing, gave girth to a child.
- I know him, my son; I met him when I visited you in Hungary.

- Ok, mom, goodbye, I will call you tomorrow".
This was the last call Marian Cozma gave to his parents.
Sunday morning, at 5:00, Petre Cozma’s phone, Marian’s father, rang again.

- Good morning, Mr. Petre, Rareş Jurcă is calling.
- Yes, my boy, did anything happen?

- Mr. Petre, I don’t know how to tell you, but Marian was stabbed.
- Is he alive?

Rareş burst into tears.

What did really happen with the best Romanian handball player in the present?

Saturday night, the handball players of the Hungarian championship, MKB Veszprem had been invited by their team mates, Gergo Ivancsik, to his child’s baptism. The restaurant, a select one is very well-known in Veszprem: Patriota Lokal. The atmosphere was excellent. The players had fun, danced and nothing predicted this tragedy.

"I couldn’t believe when I’ve heard the news. I called Marian on his mobile in the morning, with the hope that I will hear again «hallo» at the end of the line. But nobody answered
Viorel Mazilu, team mate at the national team


Valentin Ghionea: "We are all shocked about what happened with Marian Cozma"   (video)

"He gave money to buy an apartment for him and now, I have to take a churchyard for him in Pipera. Oh, he went to Hungary to earn money, to get rid of poverty and look what happened"
Petre Cozma, Marian’s father

The Hungarian press conveyed 2 variants about Marian Cozma’s death. The first one would be that all the scandal broke when a group of men who were in the same restaurant started the scandal, refusing to pay the bill. They attacked the waitress and they swore her. The handball players asked the recalcitrant to stop, but they became more and more violent, calling for relieves by phone. They went out of the club and then Cozma was stabbed three times in the heart with a knife. His team mates, the Serbian Zarko Sesum and the Croatian Ivan Pesici, tried to help him, but they were injured, too. The first one was hit in the head with a chair and he has brain box fracture, and Pesici was stabbed in the kidney. Besides, the doctors extirpated yesterday Pesici’s injured kidney. Şania: "Marian was a very kind man and he didn't deserve to die"  (video)

The second variant conveyed would be that the dance floor, few Hungarians caviled about Marian’s girlfriend. This one tried to defend her and the scandal began.

It is sure that Marian Cozma died on the way to the hospital, in the ambulance, in the arms of a colleague, the Hungarian of Romanian origin born in Odorheiu Secuiesc Ferenc Ilyes. "He tried to save his life, made him artificial respiration, but he couldn’t be saved", confirmed the president of FRH, Cristian Gaţu . Gaţu: "We will always regret Marian"   (video)

The Hungarian police announced last evening the name of two suspects, Rafael Sandor (29 years old) and Ivan Stojka (22 years old). The two are Hungarians and it is supposed that they are going to Serbia or event o Romania.

THE DEATH OF A CHAMPION / Report Antena 1 about Marian Cozma

He had been also stabbed in 2005
Four years ago, when he played at Dinamo, Marian Cozma had been attacked around his house by a group of supporters. "They asked me if I am Cozma from Dinamo and one of them stabbed me in the back", declared then Marian. He had a wound, near the backbone, of 8 centimeters length and 3 centimeters deep. He was hospitalized immediately, Cozma got over miraculously and very fast and in a short time he entered to play.

"He knew the entire anthem of Romania!"
Petru Paleu, the vice president of FRH, told an incredible thing from the training camp of the romanian national at the World Championship from Croatia. "Marian Cozma was the only player who knew the entire national anthem. I was speaking with him in the evenings, after the matches, and the conversation turned upon the anthem. He sang to us the entire anthem «Deşteaptă-te, române!»”, told Paleu. "If you saw him the way he sang before the matches, you could realize how much passion he had for Romania", added Paleu. "I can’t believe it; I have in mind all kind of events with him and I cry".

Rareş Jurcă narrated on GSP TV the way he found out about his best friend's murder

Knocking on Heaven's Door
Thousands of people came yesterday in front of the head quarter of the club Veszprem. All the people who passed by the club put a candle or a flower, they stopped for a few moments and then other people took their place. The song "Knocking on Heaven's Door", symbolically repeated, could be heard in the diffusers.

"It is very tough to receive a call in the morning and to find out that your friend is death. He always tried to avoid the conflicts "
Alin Şania

"This thing shouldn’t happen nowadays"
Valentin Ghionea, player at Pick Szeged

"Everybody appreciated Marian Cozma and they were satisfied with his results.  Everybody loved him"
Valentin Ghionea, player at Pick Szeged

Hundreds of persons lit candles and they brought flowers in Marian Cozma's memory 

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