Marius Copil qualified in the 2nd tour at BCR Open Romania, after he defeated Crivoi

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 22 septembrie 2009 00:00

The tennis player l Marius Copil, who reached on the main table because of a wild-card, he imposed himself against Victor Crivoi, with the score of 6-3, 6-2, in a match from the opening round of the tournament BCR Open Romania, with prizes in value of 450.000 euro.

For the qualification in the 2nd tour, Copil will receive a check in value of 6.400 euro and 20 points ATP. Crivoi will be awarded with 3.850 euro.

In the next match, Copil is going to meet the Spanish Ruben Ramirez Hildalgo, who defeated in the first tour the Italian Andreas Seppi, seeded player no. 7, score 6-4, 6-4.


The tennis player l Marius Copil, who reached on the main table because of a wild-card, he imposed himself against Victor Crivoi, with the score of 6-3, 6-2, in a match from the opening round of the tournament BCR Open Romania, with prizes in value of 450.000 euro.

For the qualification in the 2nd tour, Copil will receive a check in value of 6.400 euro and 20 points ATP. Crivoi will be awarded with 3.850 euro.

In the next match, Copil is going to meet the Spanish Ruben Ramirez Hildalgo, who defeated in the first tour the Italian Andreas Seppi, seeded player no. 7, score 6-4, 6-4.


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