Torje has an offer from Hamburg!

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011 00:00 / Actualizat luni, 31 ianuarie 2011 15:38

Hamburg has offered 5 million for the little midfielder. Badea oppose to this transfer for the moment, while Turcu is putting pressure on the Borcea.

A new subject of dispute in Stefan cel Mare. Hamburg, 6th in the Bundesliga, has intensified negotiations for Gabriel Torje, wanting to take over those from Wolfsburg, who want the 21 years midfielder

HSV's representatives have said that they are ready to pay 5 million for Torje! Nicolae Badea currently opposed because he didn't want to weaken the team after the ten departures of Stefan cel Mare, in winter.

The version approved by Dinamo's president is that Gabi remains at the club that until summer and Hamburg pays some money now and rest to 5 million in summer!

Vasile Turcu heard about Germans interest who has to recuperate approximately 2.5 million, money invested in the period when he was the shareholder. He contacted Cristi Borcea to press to accept the offer, but Badea didn't agree. "I made a deal with Hamburg for Torje, only the clubs remain to reach an agreement. "said Cristea Opria

"Our club's position is clear: there is no question of any transfer of Gabi Torje during this time"
Nicolae Badea, Dinamo president

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