Emerich Ienei: "Chivu should have played gainst Croatia"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 11 februarie 2009 00:00

The former spotter Emerich Ienei thinks that it would have been useful for the national team of football that Adrian Mutu and Cristi Chivu to have played in the friendly match with Croatia, but he thinks that they had serious reasons to miss the convocation:

"For now, Piţurcă has the best team he could have, except for the two, Mutu and Chivu. He had the possibility to test even other players. Anyway, Adrian Mutu is injured, as far as I know; he has some medical problems at the elbow.

But I don’t think he will make a habit of refusing to come to the national team for some matches because a qualification at the World Championship is more important than the 6th place in Italy, with Florentine. Of course, if he has a serious reason, such as an injury, then it is accepted.

With respect to Chivu, he may have some responsibilities to the club. Inter has an important match this weekend, with AC Milan and maybe Mourinho asked him to spare. As to the fact that he wanted to stay with his wife in order to assist to their daughter’s birth, I think that the child would have come into the world even without him.", declared Emerich Ienei for


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