Comentarii (28)
inginerul.  •  10 Iulie 2014, 22:36
Postat de watchman98 pe 10 Iulie 2014, 21:24

ce nebuni sunt unii,inventeza convorbiri :)))

Ce indivizi fara viata sunt specimenele care umbla cu clone pe gsp...

ando89  •  10 Iulie 2014, 21:39
Postat de watchman98 pe 10 Iulie 2014, 21:24

ce nebuni sunt unii,inventeza convorbiri :)))

Nu trebuie sa te pui cu organele! Avem un bilion de terabiti inregistrari numai cu tine, inclusiv cand stai pe tron in baie si telefonul ti-e inchis in bucataria de vara. Plus zece km de galerii sapate in munte pline cu casete Orwo, arhiva dinainte de 89, majoritatea dublate de Irina Margareta Nistor, ca altfel nu se intelege nimic:))

watchman98  •  10 Iulie 2014, 21:24

ce nebuni sunt unii,inventeza convorbiri :)))

ando89  •  10 Iulie 2014, 21:06
Postat de djeurofighter pe 10 Iulie 2014, 20:57

Respondet: “Ahhhh, our true leader Kim –Jong-Un, the child of our beloved and regretted Kim Jong-Il, who is the child of our God Kim-Il-Sung would like to provide you a delivery of mercy, with real football-players”. Negoita: “Ies, ies, merci, ui niid det”. Respondet: “How would you like the delivery, by Soviet made, Chinese made, or Korean made rocket?. If you want we can deliver the players with our most advanced nuclear warhead, in case that works”.

O convorbire in sudul Ciadului, pestera sefului beduinilor din zona: - Helau, my neim is Negoitza, and ai... - Who, the famous pianist? I am your greatest fan! - Nuo bai, ala-i fratimiu, mai bradar:))

djeurofighter  •  10 Iulie 2014, 20:57
Postat de djeurofighter pe 10 Iulie 2014, 20:56

and the commies like mine too!" Negoita speriat inchide receptorul! Negoita: “Unde am sunat unchiule”?! Anghelache: “Din greseala ti-am dat districtul rosu din Amsterdam, ia de aici linia rosie”. Negoita suna: “Helau, mai name is Neg….” Respondent: “We are the proud and honest people of the United Korea. We are the ones who should rule the Earth. We are the ones to destroy the whole capitalism and its scum. Ahmmm, who are you..? Negoita: “Negoita, Ai coled iu from Constantin Anghelache!

Respondet: “Ahhhh, our true leader Kim –Jong-Un, the child of our beloved and regretted Kim Jong-Il, who is the child of our God Kim-Il-Sung would like to provide you a delivery of mercy, with real football-players”. Negoita: “Ies, ies, merci, ui niid det”. Respondet: “How would you like the delivery, by Soviet made, Chinese made, or Korean made rocket?. If you want we can deliver the players with our most advanced nuclear warhead, in case that works”.

djeurofighter  •  10 Iulie 2014, 20:56
Postat de djeurofighter pe 10 Iulie 2014, 20:53

Stenograma negocieri . Negoita suna in Angola! Negoita: "Helou, mi neim is Neghoitza end Ai heve a veri......" Bebebebebep! Phone-message: "Sorry, your credits are out, please recharge your phone if you would like to call back". Negoita: "Unchiule, da-mi linia rosie! Avem nevoie de jucatori!!" Anghelache: "Tinere, pune-ti baza in mine, ia receptorul si spune celui care raspunde ca il suni din partea mea"! Negoita suna. Negoita: "Helou, Aim Neg……" Respondentul: "Aiiiiii, you're a lovely man and I like your voice and you seem to be a VERY good giver and taker. I'm your little Natasha and I like communist cocks and the commi

and the commies like mine too!" Negoita speriat inchide receptorul! Negoita: “Unde am sunat unchiule”?! Anghelache: “Din greseala ti-am dat districtul rosu din Amsterdam, ia de aici linia rosie”. Negoita suna: “Helau, mai name is Neg….” Respondent: “We are the proud and honest people of the United Korea. We are the ones who should rule the Earth. We are the ones to destroy the whole capitalism and its scum. Ahmmm, who are you..? Negoita: “Negoita, Ai coled iu from Constantin Anghelache!

djeurofighter  •  10 Iulie 2014, 20:53

Stenograma negocieri . Negoita suna in Angola! Negoita: "Helou, mi neim is Neghoitza end Ai heve a veri......" Bebebebebep! Phone-message: "Sorry, your credits are out, please recharge your phone if you would like to call back". Negoita: "Unchiule, da-mi linia rosie! Avem nevoie de jucatori!!" Anghelache: "Tinere, pune-ti baza in mine, ia receptorul si spune celui care raspunde ca il suni din partea mea"! Negoita suna. Negoita: "Helou, Aim Neg……" Respondentul: "Aiiiiii, you're a lovely man and I like your voice and you seem to be a VERY good giver and taker. I'm your little Natasha and I like communist cocks and the commi

sexilian  •  10 Iulie 2014, 20:43

v-ati pus la punct,bravo,zine ma galma si noua cate brigazi de fluierasi ati cumparat?

ando89  •  10 Iulie 2014, 20:40
Postat de watchman98 pe 10 Iulie 2014, 20:33

vrei sa rad ?daca imi dai 10 lei

Cam ieftin, pe centura costa mai scump. Sunt prea sarac sa-mi permit lucruri ieftine.

watchman98  •  10 Iulie 2014, 20:33
Postat de ando89 pe 10 Iulie 2014, 20:29

La psihiatru: - Doctore, am adus o clona, este urgent! - Are trimitere de la medicul de familie? - Nu-i asigurat, traieste din alocatia celor 12 copii. - Ce te doare bade? - Capu suna vrum , vrum, mai ales cand postez gesepe! - Stai sa vad. Gheorghita, ada flexul! Dupa o ora: - Bai, nu mai inteleg nimic. Cu asta pot sa iau Nobelul! S-a defectat termostatul cranian si ventilatorul merge permanent. Ciudat ca au montat asa ceva acolo, in rest bezna si racoare de mi-au aparut instant turturi pe pereti cand l-am deschis. - Io aveam creer mic si neted ca de copil, mi l-a furat?! - Cine sa fure asa ceva bai clonache, au uitat sa ti-l monteze. Trebuie eutanasiat, ma mir ca traieste!

vrei sa rad ?daca imi dai 10 lei

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