Comentarii (230)
dansy  •  03 Noiembrie 2020, 09:54

Mai ziaristilor mai puneti o eroare contra Universitatii Craiova in meciul cu Hermanstad.Jo il tranteste pe Piliaceli in careu fara sa aiba treaba cu mingea,apoi acelas Jo ii da un cot in gura lui Balasa. Cred ca ati uitat aceaste faze.Nici dupa meci nu ati scris nimic.Vi se pare normal sa prezentati analize eronate???

eterna.terra.nova  •  03 Noiembrie 2020, 02:16
Postat de nnapocarepublic pe 03 Noiembrie 2020, 01:24

L am votat deja .. cu doua zile in urma

Foarte bine, sper sa fie o victorie clara.

nnapocarepublic  •  03 Noiembrie 2020, 01:24
Postat de eterna.terra.nova pe 03 Noiembrie 2020, 00:54

Buuun, la fel. Nu castig nimic, either way. Nu uita sa votezi Trump ca daca iese old Joe ne lasa in chiloti socialistii pe amandoi.

L am votat deja .. cu doua zile in urma

eterna.terra.nova  •  03 Noiembrie 2020, 00:54
Postat de nnapocarepublic pe 03 Noiembrie 2020, 00:03

Sa stii ca Eu nu te am mintit nici un pic...daca vrei sa ma crezi bine ,daca nu ,nu

Buuun, la fel. Nu castig nimic, either way. Nu uita sa votezi Trump ca daca iese old Joe ne lasa in chiloti socialistii pe amandoi.

nnapocarepublic  •  03 Noiembrie 2020, 00:03
Postat de eterna.terra.nova pe 02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:50

Well know...most of us have a smart phone these days gramps, which I'm using to respond to you ,so what resources am I using up? The battery gets used up anyway and unlike you I don't take an hour to respond, so it literally takes seconds to do it. I'm getting paid to respond to you, the higher you go in a company you'll see you'll have more responsibility but less work to do. You're my in between meetings comedy routine, thanks for the laughs ;) hope you're getting excited for that Toronto trip, once again look up home prices in Toronto, the city proper not the suburbs. You're acting like you're responding to every message I send :)))) man you're my dad's age ,I'm embarrassed for you that this is how you're spending your 50s.

Sa stii ca Eu nu te am mintit nici un pic...daca vrei sa ma crezi bine ,daca nu ,nu

nnapocarepublic  •  02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:59
Postat de eterna.terra.nova pe 02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:27

I'm arrogant only to those that deserve it and you talking about arrogance is hilarious. I even gave you a tip to buy quidel stock months ago, back when I thought you were ok cuz I want all Romanians to prosper. But hey if that's how you wanna act that's on you.

)))))))hahaha .. Ce ti am spus bai ca imi baneaza astia comentariile ..adica tu poti jigni iar Eu nu)))

eterna.terra.nova  •  02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:50

Well know...most of us have a smart phone these days gramps, which I'm using to respond to you ,so what resources am I using up? The battery gets used up anyway and unlike you I don't take an hour to respond, so it literally takes seconds to do it. I'm getting paid to respond to you, the higher you go in a company you'll see you'll have more responsibility but less work to do. You're my in between meetings comedy routine, thanks for the laughs ;) hope you're getting excited for that Toronto trip, once again look up home prices in Toronto, the city proper not the suburbs. You're acting like you're responding to every message I send :)))) man you're my dad's age ,I'm embarrassed for you that this is how you're spending your 50s.

eterna.terra.nova  •  02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:27

I'm arrogant only to those that deserve it and you talking about arrogance is hilarious. I even gave you a tip to buy quidel stock months ago, back when I thought you were ok cuz I want all Romanians to prosper. But hey if that's how you wanna act that's on you.

eterna.terra.nova  •  02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:22
Postat de nnapocarepublic pe 02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:12

Si vezi ca uiti sa pui virgulele.. copy paste:” You're telling me a college graduate like yourself, who's been in the States for over 30 years still can barely speak English? si in limba romana cu fii,desi,totusii)))

I'm writing a response to a nobody on the internet on the internet not a LOI, you think you're worth the time to proof read :)))) come on tell me what business you own? Same as before, you got nothing to say because you're full of it so you resort to your only option, childish pathetic comebacks.

eterna.terra.nova  •  02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:15
Postat de nnapocarepublic pe 02 Noiembrie 2020, 23:12

Si vezi ca uiti sa pui virgulele.. copy paste:” You're telling me a college graduate like yourself, who's been in the States for over 30 years still can barely speak English? si in limba romana cu fii,desi,totusii)))

LOL you're dumb AF! Answer me in English

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