Comentarii (70)
mitralieraluidorel  •  22 Februarie 2021, 16:06

scrisoarea lui gazaev face parte din kilele de acte trimise de domnul justitiar la UEFA , kile de acte pe care cei de acolo nu le-au bagat in seama ? UEFA ne arata clar ca FCSB are in palmares 1 x Cupa Campionilor Europeni !

doar..titi  •  22 Februarie 2021, 16:04
Postat de silvio... pe 22 Februarie 2021, 16:01

Auuuuchh... asa au zis??? "marca inregistrata (comerciala) nu are legatura cu meritele si continuitatea sportiva"?? Adica e doar o marca?? Si nu are nicio legatura cu fotbalul si continuitatea sportiva?? Pai cum, ca ei zic ca Steaua e cea din liga 3, infiintata acum 4 ani! Si UEFA le-a dat cu flit, pentru ca nu au continuitate sportiva??? Pfff, ce ticalosi! :))))))

stai sa-invezi pe talpanisti ...cand or pierde palmaresul !!!pe cine o sa intereseze o echipa infiintata in 2017??!!

silvio...  •  22 Februarie 2021, 16:01
Postat de doar..titi pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:57

HAHAHA!!bravo hatere ... o mai trimis si talpan vreo cinci kg !!!Si raspunsul a fost: "In ceea ce priveste marca "Steaua Bucuresti" ce apartine CSA Steaua dupa decizia Inaltei Curti, nu se poate ajunge la dezafiliere deoarece "marca inregistrata (comerciala) nu are legatura cu meritele si continuitatea sportiva". Iar excluderea din cupele europene nu poate fi decisa de catre Federatia Romana de Fotbal deoarece aceasta nu are atributii in legatura cu excluderea unui club din cupele europene.".

Auuuuchh... asa au zis??? "marca inregistrata (comerciala) nu are legatura cu meritele si continuitatea sportiva"?? Adica e doar o marca?? Si nu are nicio legatura cu fotbalul si continuitatea sportiva?? Pai cum, ca ei zic ca Steaua e cea din liga 3, infiintata acum 4 ani! Si UEFA le-a dat cu flit, pentru ca nu au continuitate sportiva??? Pfff, ce ticalosi! :))))))

the.fixer  •  22 Februarie 2021, 16:00
Postat de silvio... pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:57

=))))))))))))))))). Bai, FC Steaua Bucuresti e numele societatii de la infiintare. CSA nu e Fotbal Club. Esti ireal prazare, IREAL! :))) Pe site-ul UEFA scrie clar: FCSB - Barcelona, la finala din '86. Si aici au fost finuti cei de la UEFA, asa-i? =)))))

FCSB inseamna Faci Ce Spune Becali. De cand in dictionarul limbii romane Steaua = Spune ?

iuliusmv  •  22 Februarie 2021, 16:00

salut,eu sunt mai tanar si de cand urmaresc meciurile Stelei am cunoscut o singura echipa STEAUA BUCURESTI,cica mai nou ar mai exista una prin ligile inferioare dar pana in prezent nu stiu nici un jucator de la echipa aceasta nou infintata,oricum le doresc si lor mult succes.Pana atunci forza STEAUA

Iosif Moldoveanu  •  22 Februarie 2021, 16:00
Postat de silvio... pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:52

Asa iti place tie sa te semnezi la sfarsitul fiecarui comentariu? "Prostalau"? Ok, daca tu zici.. iti apreciem curajul si onestitatea.


Acest comentariu a fost moderat deoarece continea limbaj vulgar sau jignitor.

silvio...  •  22 Februarie 2021, 15:59
Postat de vali.gazzaev pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:56

to bring it back to the top. But until then, one of Europe’s most prestigious clubs is suffering from this widespread misinformation perpetuated by FCSB thanks to its favoured mass-media appeal. We know it is not UEFA’s policy – nor should it be – to meddle inside its member associations’ internal affairs, but we also know that your organisation’s attention for the club identities is of the utmost importance – as proven in other similar cases throughout the continent, so far. If initiating an enquiry into this matter is possible for UEFA – with fair implication of ALL parties involved – we, the supporters of 1986 European Champion Steaua București, will be more than happy to assist you with more historical background and technical information about this case. With highest esteem, Steaua Supporters’ Association Asociația Steliștilor 1947

"Florin Talpan continuă să caute dreptatea CSA Steaua și ultimul pas făcut a fost să trimită la UEFA nu mai puțin de 4 kg de documente (630 de pagini).". -- cu siguranta ii va lua in considerare pe AS 1947, dupa ce i-au dat cu flit lui Talpan cu cele 4 kg de documente :)))))

doar..titi  •  22 Februarie 2021, 15:57
Postat de vali.gazzaev pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:55

Dear UEFA official, You may presently not be aware of the awkward situation regarding FCSB (a club regularly taking part in European competitions), in opposition to Steaua București – one of only 22 clubs to have ever won the UEFA Champions League. Up until quite recently, FCSB used to call themselves FC Steaua București. However, this had all along been unlawful. In 2014, the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Romania’s supreme court of justice – irrevocably ruled that FCSB and Steaua București are two completely different clubs, with the first of these two having unlawfully assumed the latter’s identity and spot in national competitions in 2003. This situation has brought severe (possibly unknown) consequences to UEFA itself and to its competitions’ very integrity. Since FCSB wrongfully assumed Steaua București’s quoefficient in 2003, this club has massively benefited from it in the UEFA rankings. As consequence, FCSB was frequently seeded in draws and profited from Steaua’s performances for access to easier opponents and – yes – even tens of millions of Euros of UEFA’s money, as reward for their performances. We believe this is not only sheer deceit, but also complete disregard to the good faith of other teams who have played them throughout this time. CSA Steaua București – sole proprietor of Steaua’s brand, identity and history – currently competes in Romania’s 4th league and we, its fans (the backbone of football, as UEFA itself deems it), are determined

HAHAHA!!bravo hatere ... o mai trimis si talpan vreo cinci kg !!!Si raspunsul a fost: "In ceea ce priveste marca "Steaua Bucuresti" ce apartine CSA Steaua dupa decizia Inaltei Curti, nu se poate ajunge la dezafiliere deoarece "marca inregistrata (comerciala) nu are legatura cu meritele si continuitatea sportiva". Iar excluderea din cupele europene nu poate fi decisa de catre Federatia Romana de Fotbal deoarece aceasta nu are atributii in legatura cu excluderea unui club din cupele europene.".

silvio...  •  22 Februarie 2021, 15:57
Postat de the.fixer pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:54

FC Steaua Bucuresti tot nu este FCSB. FC Steaua Bucuresti = CSA UEFA a fost finuta de data asta cu oierul si circul lui.

=))))))))))))))))). Bai, FC Steaua Bucuresti e numele societatii de la infiintare. CSA nu e Fotbal Club. Esti ireal prazare, IREAL! :))) Pe site-ul UEFA scrie clar: FCSB - Barcelona, la finala din '86. Si aici au fost finuti cei de la UEFA, asa-i? =)))))

vali.gazzaev  •  22 Februarie 2021, 15:56
Postat de vali.gazzaev pe 22 Februarie 2021, 15:55

Dear UEFA official, You may presently not be aware of the awkward situation regarding FCSB (a club regularly taking part in European competitions), in opposition to Steaua București – one of only 22 clubs to have ever won the UEFA Champions League. Up until quite recently, FCSB used to call themselves FC Steaua București. However, this had all along been unlawful. In 2014, the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Romania’s supreme court of justice – irrevocably ruled that FCSB and Steaua București are two completely different clubs, with the first of these two having unlawfully assumed the latter’s identity and spot in national competitions in 2003. This situation has brought severe (possibly unknown) consequences to UEFA itself and to its competitions’ very integrity. Since FCSB wrongfully assumed Steaua București’s quoefficient in 2003, this club has massively benefited from it in the UEFA rankings. As consequence, FCSB was frequently seeded in draws and profited from Steaua’s performances for access to easier opponents and – yes – even tens of millions of Euros of UEFA’s money, as reward for their performances. We believe this is not only sheer deceit, but also complete disregard to the good faith of other teams who have played them throughout this time. CSA Steaua București – sole proprietor of Steaua’s brand, identity and history – currently competes in Romania’s 4th league and we, its fans (the backbone of football, as UEFA itself deems it), are determined

to bring it back to the top. But until then, one of Europe’s most prestigious clubs is suffering from this widespread misinformation perpetuated by FCSB thanks to its favoured mass-media appeal. We know it is not UEFA’s policy – nor should it be – to meddle inside its member associations’ internal affairs, but we also know that your organisation’s attention for the club identities is of the utmost importance – as proven in other similar cases throughout the continent, so far. If initiating an enquiry into this matter is possible for UEFA – with fair implication of ALL parties involved – we, the supporters of 1986 European Champion Steaua București, will be more than happy to assist you with more historical background and technical information about this case. With highest esteem, Steaua Supporters’ Association Asociația Steliștilor 1947

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