Comentarii (41)
 •  11 Iunie 2009, 11:04

ha ha ha ha ha ha, muriti dinamovistilor...vai de capul vostru...timisoara a luat punctele inapoi...ha ha ha ha

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 11:00

Un dulau ce-n iarna latra bucuros, Ca avea puncte-n fata si lat valoros, In fum de trabuc visa ca destinul, I-aduce bani din LIGA si isi face plinul. I se spunea BORCEA, sef de haita-n groapa, Si credea ca titlul, sigur nu ii scapa, Haita lui "spartana" maraia faloasa, Ca orice echipa, din lupta e scoasa. Finalul il prinse "culcat pe o ureche" Haita alb-rosie se umple de "streche" Intai cu brasovenii si-a gasit beleaua Apoi pitestenii l-au facut chihu

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:51

miau miau......acum nu va mai laudati???...fraierilor :)) forta viola

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:42

Nu e nimic ! se intimpla si din astea ! daca Dinamo are puterea sa-si faca curatenie la sange in lot,poate ajunge lejer in grupele Europa League ! De obicei dupa asemenea traume,cei care raman in "viata" se mobilizeaza la maxim !

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:25

de ce spuneti ca s/au facut de ris?! "De ris" se faceau daca ar fi terminat pe locul 1! Asa, asta e ADEVARATA FATA a echipei, a conducerii si a "celui mai bun antrenor din Rominia", a "vedetelor" platite cu 400 de mii de euro ca sa nu joace nimic! Bine ca scandalul cu arbitrii a venit / totusi / tirziu, ca altfel, Dinamo ar fi luptat la retrogradare. Pacat de acest club care are un trecut in fotbal. Viitorul? E ... suspect!

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:17

Adevarata valoare :)))))))))))))) Greu fara Corpodean si fara alte mici atentii :)))))))))))

pensionarul  •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:08

Lausanne, 11 June 2009 At the end of the deliberations, the CAS arbitrators announced that they had decided to set aside the decisions rendered by FIFA and the RFF and to return S.C. Fotbal Club Timisoara S.A. the six points which had been deducted in September 2008. The CAS arbitrators considered that the club had complied, on a timely basis, with the orders which had been imposed by the CAS in its previous decisions.

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:08

At the end of the deliberations, the CAS arbitrators announced that they had decided to set aside the decisions rendered by FIFA and the RFF and to return S.C. Fotbal Club Timisoara S.A. the six points which had been deducted in September 2008. The CAS arbitrators considered that the club had complied, on a timely basis, with the orders which had been imposed by the CAS in its previous decisions. As a consequence, the CAS Panel ruled that a six-point deduction was not justified.

pensionarul  •  11 Iunie 2009, 10:03

DINAMO OUT !!!!!!!!! Lausanne, 11 June 2009 - The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has issued today its decision in the arbitration between S.C. FC Fotbal Club Timisoara S.A., FIFA, and the Romanian Football Federation: 1. The appeal filed by S.C. Fotbal Club Timisoara S.A. is partially upheld. 2. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee’s decision dated September 3, 2008 is set aside. 3. The decision of the Executive Committee of the Romanian Football

 •  11 Iunie 2009, 09:57

dinamo fara dosare si blaturi facute de o coducerede trotorista la adevarata lor valoare. echipa nascuta la incubator desfiintativaaaaaaaaa

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