Comentarii (46)
miky198  •  19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:44
Postat de forumeer pe 19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:37

Pfuuu, 72% in deplasare, pe Bernabeu. Asta cam e argumentul suprem. Nu tin cu Barca, dar tind sa cred ca e de cativa ani si va mai fi inca cativa cea mai buna echipa din istorie. Doar Milanul "zburator"(cu cei 3 olandezi) i-ar mai putea rivaliza, dar cred ca si aia si-ar fi luat-o ...

De unde 72%?! Cand a fost de fapt 73%:))

forumeer  •  19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:37

Pfuuu, 72% in deplasare, pe Bernabeu. Asta cam e argumentul suprem. Nu tin cu Barca, dar tind sa cred ca e de cativa ani si va mai fi inca cativa cea mai buna echipa din istorie. Doar Milanul "zburator"(cu cei 3 olandezi) i-ar mai putea rivaliza, dar cred ca si aia si-ar fi luat-o ...

b0gdan_88  •  19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:35
Postat de asc21 pe 19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:29

Ce parere are Mourinho legata de faza cu Pepe calcandu-l pe mana pe Messi? Nu cumva Messi incerca sa-i smulga crampoanele uratului?

:))) se poate :))))

asc21  •  19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:29

Ce parere are Mourinho legata de faza cu Pepe calcandu-l pe mana pe Messi? Nu cumva Messi incerca sa-i smulga crampoanele uratului?

xstream  •  19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:27

Did you see contrao push Messis head in purpose when Messi was trying to get up??????????? Yet again beautiful football of Barcelona prevails. Happy Birthday to Pep Guardiola the undefeated coach in bernaboo and the mastermind behind Barca humiliation over madrid over and over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you loser madrid and Barca haters now disappear and stop talking so much trash for Barcelona. They are the best team in the world, it would be good for you losers to admit the truth for once. Visca Barca and haha madrid on that.

xstream  •  19 Ianuarie 2012, 01:27

hahaha madrid!!!!!!!!you dirty cheats will never beat Barca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You losers say Barca players dive, I hope you saw how ugly pepe dived all over the pitch, especially when he made it look like Cesc hit him in the face with his hand being a meter away from his face.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You say Barca players act, did you see how pepe acted like he got shot when he supposedly got hit by Pique getting him an unfair yellow card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you see callejon grabing Alves arm to make it as if Alves hit him in the face???????????? You say Barca plays dirty, did you see dirty ugly pepe step on Messis hand intentionally!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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