Comentarii (43)
rikiriki365  •  12 Iunie 2016, 11:35

That's YOUR version Konstantin, only the fact that you talk about "real hooligans" is a proof that you appreciate what happened. But there's another version for the incidents: The Russian hooligans, who reports say were armed with knives, charged at England supporters and set upon the middle-aged man, this afternoon. Police were seen trying to resuscitate the man using CPR, while he was also placed in the recovery position, as he lay unconscious on the ground The Provence newspaper reported: 'An England supporter is in between life and death. The man who is in his 50s, who received a number of blows to the head, is in a critical condition. He suffered a number of injuries.' His friend told MailOnline: 'He got knocked to the ground and kicked in the head for nothing. He was not doing anything when some lads attacked him - French, Russian - I don't know who they were.' He added: 'And then the police charged. They always blame the England fans but we didn't do anything.' Another Three Lions fan saw another man receive a brutal beating from Russian hooligans. Louise McMahon, from Redditch in Worcestershire, said: 'The bloke was from London and in his 30s. He was on his own and then about five or six Russians just jumped him. 'They hit and kicked him and literally ripped his England shirt off his back. They nicked his iPhone and money too. The poor bloke was really shook up. 'We got him inside the bar where we were and he's going to be okay.' Richard Clarke

gsp oficial  •  12 Iunie 2016, 11:34

@ovidiu_3003 Nu poate fi vorba de felicitări aici. Este clar că astfel de manifestări nu au ce să caute pe un stadion, la un meci de fotbal. Rusia va suporta consecințele decise de UEFA, mai blânde sau mai drastice, în funcție de ce va hotărî forul continental.

ovidiu_3003  •  12 Iunie 2016, 08:33

...daca se vrea liniste la campionatele europene si mondiale trebuie exclusa anglia Rusia ...Anglia provoaca scandal ...ce avem cu Rusia ?

fan_stiinta  •  12 Iunie 2016, 11:30


ovidiu_3003  •  12 Iunie 2016, 08:30

englezii au venit pusi pe scandal au gasit ce au cautat ce sa sanctionam Rusia ?

ovidiu_3003  •  12 Iunie 2016, 08:28

...mereu am sa tin cu raketii rusi contra huliganilor englezi ...

manu_one  •  12 Iunie 2016, 11:27

Ce sanctiuni merita Rusia??? Merita un premiu! ***! Dumnezeu nu are nicio legatura cu occidentul!

Acest comentariu a fost moderat deoarece continea limbaj vulgar sau jignitor.

alegsandru  •  12 Iunie 2016, 11:25

Rusia nu e buna dar nici rea. Transilvania in ww2 fusese desprinsa de dumnezeii romanilor, germanii, si data sagetilor lor, ungurii. Dupa 23 august, Stalin a cerut expres si imperativ sa fie redata Romaniei, ceea ce vesticii nu prea dorea. Independenta ne-am castogat-o in 1877 ca aliati ai lor. Oricum, pentru ochiul meu ceea ce s-a intamplat a fost un festin. Un fel de isis vs al-quaeda.

ovidiu_3003  •  12 Iunie 2016, 08:22

va iubim rusi vqa lasati calcati in picioare de propaganda occidentala...aratati le ca le sunteti superiori ...

ovidiu_3003  •  12 Iunie 2016, 08:20

ia uite si la adyy25 ...crede ca numai rusii sunt betivi ...huliganii englezi nu gusta nimic ...

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