Comentarii (945)
asc21  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:53

Suntem prastie.

utaaradan  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

repde la dus ca pierd TGV-ul inspre casa.

valyomanyd  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

Ion cu vaca, john milne, alias randoom alias imperator, e frustrat rau, stelistii lui au fost cei mai penibili :)))

Ulmanu Ovidiu  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

Doamne pe ce planeta vine STANCIU asta ???? hahahaha numai in plopi le da......vai mama lui de petarda !!!!

blacksun_14  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

toti comentatorii ne compatimesc si toti realizeaza adevarul numai frfistii si jeneralu nu..." if you are a romanian fan, you have to be disapointed because you haven't seen the sense of urgency that romania wants to get back in the game, they just wait for something to happen etc."

blacksun_14  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

toti comentatorii ne compatimesc si toti realizeaza adevarul numai frfistii si jeneralu nu..." if you are a romanian fan, you have to be disapointed because you haven't seen the sense of urgency that romania wants to get back in the game, they just wait for something to happen etc."

nebraska  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

prost e stanciu!

eucutine  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:52

priviti la suturile vomei de stanciu.

blacksun_14  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:51

toti comentatorii ne compatimesc si toti realizeaza adevarul numai frfistii si jeneralu nu..." if you are a romanian fan, you have to be disapointed because you haven't seen the sense of urgency that romania wants to get back in the game, they just wait for something to happen etc."

blacksun_14  •  19 Iunie 2016, 23:51

toti comentatorii ne compatimesc si toti realizeaza adevarul numai frfistii si jeneralu nu..." if you are a romanian fan, you have to be disapointed because you haven't seen the sense of urgency that romania wants to get back in the game, they just wait for something to happen etc."

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