Comentarii (487)
bianconerri  •  27 August 2015, 23:55
Postat de adriann_ pe 27 August 2015, 23:49

Bulache, voi grohaiti aici de placere ca a pierdut Astra in min 80, pe greseala colosala de portar, o califcare pe deplin meritata. Cam de cata prostie nevoie ca sa comentezi ceva despre faptul ca eu mi-as fi dorit sa mai dati un gol? ==))

Aceleasi personaje sinistre care dedicau ode lui Șumudică sa-i bata pe ASA sezonul trecut. O odă și pentru ei: ***!!

Acest comentariu a fost moderat deoarece continea limbaj vulgar sau jignitor.

sapte_neti  •  27 August 2015, 23:54
Postat de bianconerri pe 27 August 2015, 23:51

Treaba noastra. Voi cand va castigati dreptul? Va ard toti pe unde va prind. Aveti cereri de la echipe care nu prea stau bine cu moralul, sa joace amicale cu voi. Sa-si refaca moralul. Eliminatule! Plouat obosit. Jenantule.

INSOLVENTULE, fotbalistic vorbind, mai stiti sa iesiti din tara, sa jucati in Europa ? daca ati juca cu videoton, ati iesi pe la Vama Veche ? :)))))) coptule, esti penibil :)))))

juliusmad  •  27 August 2015, 23:54
Postat de adriann_ pe 27 August 2015, 23:49

Bulache, voi grohaiti aici de placere ca a pierdut Astra in min 80, pe greseala colosala de portar, o califcare pe deplin meritata. Cam de cata prostie nevoie ca sa comentezi ceva despre faptul ca eu mi-as fi dorit sa mai dati un gol? ==))

tetelu, esti prea, pe cuvantul meu :))

gerulozaurus  •  27 August 2015, 23:53
Postat de gerulozaurus pe 27 August 2015, 23:52

Fotbal Club Steaua București is a Romanian professional football club based in Bucharest. They currently compete in Liga I, the division in which they have spent their entire history. The club's first name was ASA București....blablabla...At the end of 1961 CCA changed its name once again to CSA Steaua București....blablabla...In 1998, the football club separated from CSA Steaua and changed their name for the final time to FC Steaua București. The club was founded as ASA București, by the Romanian Royal Army, on 7 June 1947.(by the Romanian Royal Army, on 7 June 1947.(!)-nu de comunisti PROSTILOR!)As communists assumed total control of the country on 30 December 1947 the Royal Army was transformed into the People's Army and ASA automatically with it being inspired by the Red Army...blablabla...2003 was the year of the last change of crest, decided by the new Board of Administration run by George Becali, which was a return to the old emblem of 1974–1991, redesigned with the two yellow stars on top.(marca *** tale!) Steaua has always been known as the club of the Romanian Army, who founded it in 1947 as a sports society.[2] The Army continues to own the society, called CSA Steaua București at the moment. The football department however, in order to comply with UEFA rules, separated and turned private in 1998, owned and financed by a non-profit organization called AFC Steaua Bucureșt...

si la tot articolul asta despre FC Steaua BUCURESTi( a nu se confunda cu marca lui TALPAN) gasesti si noua marca FCSB adica noul logo. Full name Fotbal Club Steaua București, Short name: Steaua, la UEFA apare FC Steaua.

John Milne  •  27 August 2015, 23:53

Motane sunt dezamagite scarbele anti Steaua .

juliusmad  •  27 August 2015, 23:53
Postat de samertx pe 27 August 2015, 23:51

***? :)) V-au făcut ăia pachete și v-au ordonat tricourile, Astra la fel cu imbecilul de Șumi, a abordat meciul la înfrângere când lui îi trebuia un egal. Parcă suntem nebuni toți: ne înjurăm ca la ușa cortului și Astana e în UCL! :))

nu ma leg decat de postaci, pe cuvantul meu :))

gerulozaurus  •  27 August 2015, 23:52
Postat de faxx pe 27 August 2015, 23:42

FCSB se scrie legat .. este un nume propriu ... fcsb nu se scrie f.c.s.b. si nu inseamna fotbal club steaua bucuresti .. steaua bucuresti este un brand care are propietar si ala nu e gheorghe =) echipa fcsb 2003 s.a. nu se va putea numi niciodata fc STEAUA BUCURESTI fara acordul CSA

Fotbal Club Steaua București is a Romanian professional football club based in Bucharest. They currently compete in Liga I, the division in which they have spent their entire history. The club's first name was ASA București....blablabla...At the end of 1961 CCA changed its name once again to CSA Steaua București....blablabla...In 1998, the football club separated from CSA Steaua and changed their name for the final time to FC Steaua București. The club was founded as ASA București, by the Romanian Royal Army, on 7 June 1947.(by the Romanian Royal Army, on 7 June 1947.(!)-nu de comunisti PROSTILOR!)As communists assumed total control of the country on 30 December 1947 the Royal Army was transformed into the People's Army and ASA automatically with it being inspired by the Red Army...blablabla...2003 was the year of the last change of crest, decided by the new Board of Administration run by George Becali, which was a return to the old emblem of 1974–1991, redesigned with the two yellow stars on top.(marca *** tale!) Steaua has always been known as the club of the Romanian Army, who founded it in 1947 as a sports society.[2] The Army continues to own the society, called CSA Steaua București at the moment. The football department however, in order to comply with UEFA rules, separated and turned private in 1998, owned and financed by a non-profit organization called AFC Steaua Bucureșt...

Acest comentariu a fost moderat deoarece continea limbaj vulgar sau jignitor.

bianconerri  •  27 August 2015, 23:51
Postat de sapte_neti pe 27 August 2015, 23:49

insolventule, cand mai aveti dreptul de a juca in Europa ?

Treaba noastra. Voi cand va castigati dreptul? Va ard toti pe unde va prind. Aveti cereri de la echipe care nu prea stau bine cu moralul, sa joace amicale cu voi. Sa-si refaca moralul. Eliminatule! Plouat obosit. Jenantule.

samertx  •  27 August 2015, 23:51
Postat de juliusmad pe 27 August 2015, 23:44

de la tine mirosea ma a scarnavie??

***? :)) V-au făcut ăia pachete și v-au ordonat tricourile, Astra la fel cu imbecilul de Șumi, a abordat meciul la înfrângere când lui îi trebuia un egal. Parcă suntem nebuni toți: ne înjurăm ca la ușa cortului și Astana e în UCL! :))

Acest comentariu a fost moderat deoarece continea limbaj vulgar sau jignitor.

a.c.a.b_st  •  27 August 2015, 23:50

bine sumiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))) cam triști postacii..daca mergea astra mai departe,nu se opreau până mâine seară... un meci cât un campionat! :))))

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