Comentarii (24)
ovrempeanjainapoi  •  01 Aprilie 2011, 11:21

@yann57 We perfectly know what you are talking about and completely agree with you. That’s why we will love and respect Anja forever! What you read here, in newspapers, are only journalists and commentators paid to talk like this about her, by the old management stuff of Oltchim. They try to make people believe she is responsible for all the bad things that happened lately to this team. They are just cowards trying to hide their dirty business, blaming somebody who cannot defend herself. But we stand here to defend Anja and her reputation, no matter what!

mario_seppona  •  01 Aprilie 2011, 10:09

tot nu inteleg de unde dragostea asta atat de puternica pt anja andersen, care ... din punctul meu de vedere singura ei performanta la oltchim a fost distrugerea echipei intr-un interval de timp foarte scurt!

suporter_valcean  •  01 Aprilie 2011, 09:39

Recunoaste Roibu ca "Anja a fost lucrată de conducere" si lui Ursescu tot Gavrilescu, Gatu, Voina, Narcisa si Luminita ii scriu articolele!! Penibil pentru un ziar de sport!!! Sa va fie rusine!!!

curb.your.enthusiasm  •  01 Aprilie 2011, 05:57

Cine sunt jucatoarele din poza? Nimeni nu se prea mai oboseste sa puna o nota, o prezentare sumara sub fotografii ...

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