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Știri din fotbal internațional
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Un român stabilit în Austria de 17 ani s-a întors acasă, ca să repare ...
Dacă stăm jos mai mult de 10 ore pe zi riscăm să murim. Descoperirile ...
Becali l-a transferat, soţia l-a îmbrăcat. Noul jucător de la FCSB are o ...
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Hello guys, What online fanzines do you read and would recommend? For all you rockabilly people out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first emo fanzines on the internet. They have throusands of reviews from the most underground bands all over the world. Check them out online: Enough Fanzine. Best of it all, they are 100% non-profit and just helping the scene! Looking forward to your recommendations. Cheers!
Hello guys, What online fanzines do you read and would recommend? For all you rockabilly people out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first emo fanzines on the internet. They have throusands of reviews from the most underground bands all over the world. Check them out online: Enough Fanzine. Best of it all, they are 100% non-profit and just helping the scene! Looking forward to your recommendations. Cheers!
Hello guys, What online fanzines do you read and would recommend? For all you rockabilly people out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first emo fanzines on the internet. They have throusands of reviews from the most underground bands all over the world. Check them out online: Enough Fanzine. Best of it all, they are 100% non-profit and just helping the scene! Looking forward to your recommendations. Cheers!
Hello guys, What online fanzines do you read and would recommend? For all you rockabilly people out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first emo fanzines on the internet. They have throusands of reviews from the most underground bands all over the world. Check them out online: Enough Fanzine. Best of it all, they are 100% non-profit and just helping the scene! Looking forward to your recommendations. Cheers!
eternii pierzatori in playoff, cu orice echipa cadem ne spulbera...
Bravo baieti pt performanta, dar Stanga este varza ca antrenor, un joc incalcit singurul mare plus este ambitia si determinarea din meci. In rest, in afara lui Popeye care a fost pur si simplu extraordinar,unele sclipiri la unii jucatori si atata tot. Poate ca este la inceput de drum,sa ii acordam totusi si lui Stanga circumstante atenuante.
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