Comentarii (31)
dobrin  •  31 Iulie 2024, 13:30
Postat de msergiua pe 31 Iulie 2024, 11:57

Te cam pune pe ganduri cand un sportiv are asa sincope in prestatii. Record olimpic, apoi calificat in extremis in semifinala la 100, in timp ce Popovici a fost constant la acelasi nivel. E cam suspecta treaba

A gresit doza.

neanicu86  •  31 Iulie 2024, 13:27

E mai bun David.

tororosso  •  31 Iulie 2024, 12:38

Oare de ce li se refuză testele antidoping chinezilor ?

tk2014  •  31 Iulie 2024, 12:14
Postat de bebe21 pe 31 Iulie 2024, 11:43

cine este Pan Zhanle? doar un baiat normal care inoata repede protejat de WADA. cititi mai jos si minunati-va, orcine doreste poate gasi articolul intreg usor: 'Twenty-three top Chinese swimmers tested positive for the same powerful banned substance seven months before the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 but were allowed to escape public scrutiny and continue to compete after top Chinese officials secretly cleared them of doping and the global authority charged with policing drugs in sports chose not to intervene. Several of the athletes who tested positive — including nearly half of the swimming team that China sent to the Tokyo Games — went on to win medals, including three golds. Many still compete for China and several, including the two-time gold medalist Zhang Yufei, are expected to contend for medals again at this year’s Summer Games in Paris.'

caz de dopaj sistematic, demonstrat. ca la rusi. iar acoperirea lor arata a manevra. un front comun ar putea fi un protest in masa: cand se da startul, sa faca un front comun si sa-i lase pe chinezi sa inoate singuri. a protestat doar dressel. n-ar fi rau sa emita si popovici cateva opinii despre treaba asta.

rav410wrc  •  31 Iulie 2024, 12:12
Postat de msergiua pe 31 Iulie 2024, 11:57

Te cam pune pe ganduri cand un sportiv are asa sincope in prestatii. Record olimpic, apoi calificat in extremis in semifinala la 100, in timp ce Popovici a fost constant la acelasi nivel. E cam suspecta treaba

Nu se numeste "suspect", ci chinezesc !! :(((

sandrafan2012  •  31 Iulie 2024, 12:00

Scoala chineza de inot: doping 100%

freddy  •  31 Iulie 2024, 11:58

Nr 19, un suedez, tocmai l a scos pe nr 1 la tenis de masa. Cine e nr 1? Un chinez, evident! Si robotii poti sa iasa din competitie! Asa ca sa nu ne fie frica. Vedem diseara!

msergiua  •  31 Iulie 2024, 11:57

Te cam pune pe ganduri cand un sportiv are asa sincope in prestatii. Record olimpic, apoi calificat in extremis in semifinala la 100, in timp ce Popovici a fost constant la acelasi nivel. E cam suspecta treaba

VanBasten2000  •  31 Iulie 2024, 11:47

"Și mai terifiant, a explicat la câteva zile distanță, că nu se simțea la parametrii optimi în ziua probei, deoarece a avut febră, dar că simțea că e loc de „o surpriză”. Singurul terifiat este autorul acestui articol.

bebe21  •  31 Iulie 2024, 11:43

cine este Pan Zhanle? doar un baiat normal care inoata repede protejat de WADA. cititi mai jos si minunati-va, orcine doreste poate gasi articolul intreg usor: 'Twenty-three top Chinese swimmers tested positive for the same powerful banned substance seven months before the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 but were allowed to escape public scrutiny and continue to compete after top Chinese officials secretly cleared them of doping and the global authority charged with policing drugs in sports chose not to intervene. Several of the athletes who tested positive — including nearly half of the swimming team that China sent to the Tokyo Games — went on to win medals, including three golds. Many still compete for China and several, including the two-time gold medalist Zhang Yufei, are expected to contend for medals again at this year’s Summer Games in Paris.'

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