Articol de Theodor Jumătate - Publicat joi, 13 noiembrie 2008 00:00
With him as coach, the value of the players from Standard is 10 times bigger, from 6,1 millions at 62,2 millions euro
"We are convinced of Boloni. He is not only the most valuable coach from Belgium. He is the man who has the talent of making the players to be better and to be very well rated. This is what everybody thinks". This way is Loţi Boloni (55) described by Yves Taildeman, reporter at the quotidian La Derniere Heure.
The stock exchange called Boloni
The newspaper which discovered that the players value from the first team of Standard Liege is 10 times bigger from the price they were bought. "First of all thanks to Boloni. Many football players were transferred before he came to Liege, but after the Romanian arrival, last summer, Standard made a good impression in World Cups. I don’t want simple champions of Belgium, but to be well-known on the continent". They eliminated Everton in the 1st turn from UEFA Cup and they defeated FC Sevilla in the first match from the group.
Thanks to this European success, all the 11 players from the basis formula value together 62,2 millions euro. How much was it paid for them? 6,1 millions!
The example Ronaldo
This is not the first experience for Boloni. In Portugalia, at Sporting, he promoted Cristiano Ronaldo. And this one was sold in 2003, when Loţi left from Sporting club, with 18 millions euro at Man. United. He also counted on Quaresma at Sporting, taken from the juniors and transferred then to Barcelona for 6 millions. Another case was Petr Cech, at Rennes. He was brought with 5 millions from Sparta Praga and he arrived at Chelsea with a double price. Also thanks to Boloni.
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