"I prefer the 4th place"

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 07 decembrie 2008 00:00

The goalkeeper Frey says that another qualification in champions League is more important than the admission to the spring of UEFA Cup

Fiorentina needs a draw in Ghencea in order to remain on the 3rd place in the group and to continue in UEFA Cup, where it stopped in the semifinals. Although, Sebastien Frey doesn’t dramatizes if Steaua wins. "After we got used to the Champions League, we all want the next year to be again in the groups. So, we should concentrate on the A Series, in order to catch again the 4th place. If I have to choose, I would prefer not to go forward in UEFA!", said the French goalkeeper in "Corriere dello Sport".

Frey thinks that Violei doesn’t have courage when plays away. The proof is that Mutu’s team has 3 consecutive defeats when playing away and only two victories in the last 10 matches. Fiorentina visits today FC Torino, live on Boom Sport One from 16:00.

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