Alexander Stanojevici: "Romania looks very weak without Mutu and Chivu!"

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 13 februarie 2009 00:00

The spy of the Serbians in the match with Croatia, Alexander Stanojevici, thinks that the national team trained by Piţurcă played like a medium team in the last test before the confrontation with the Serbians

Alexander Stanojevici, the coach of the national team Under 19 of Serbia, was sent by Antici at the match between Romania and Croaţia. He watched the game from the official stand, and in the end he left smiling, content that he will bring good news to Antici.

- Mr. Stanojevici, what do you think about the national team of Romania after the match with Croatia?
- I think I have seen another team than the one which will be used against Serbia. I know your national team from Euro; I have also watched it there. It is obvious that, without Mutu and Chivu, Romania looks very bad! But I won’t make the mistake to believe that this is the real value of Romania, although we would like to play the same in the preliminaries match.  But i will transmit all the details to Radomir Antici.

Marica, the only distinguished

- Did you like anyone in particular from the Romanian national team?
- Marica seemed to me on Wednesday the only player with high class. As for the rest, nobody impressed me! The truth is that, I have seen a medium Romanian team against Croatia. They made a lot of mistakes, an adversary does not score unless you make mistakes!, but don’t ask met o give you more details. We have to keep them for us!

- Costea wore Mutu’s T-shirt. Did you notice him in any way?
- I have all the details about Costea and all the other players. Mr. Antici knows already in detail every football player from the Romanian national team, so that we can eliminate the risk of any surprise. Costea is a forward with potential, but, unfortunately for him, he didn’t distinguished with anything against Croatia.

- You are going to make a detailed report for Radomir Antici. There will be more good or bad things for Serbia in the report?
- (he laughs) If you were Antici, I would tell you! Our coach will draw the necessary conclusions after the information i will give him from the match Romania - Croatia. It would be better for us if you don’t have Mutu and Chivu at Constanţa, too!

"The Romanians react very strange after the referee gives free kicks against them. This will be a detail which we have to speculate"
Alexander Stanojevici for the daily "Sport" Belgrad

"The public left very disappointed from the stadium because Romania was defeated. I think that the team does not have a good support from the fans"
Alexander Stanojevici for the daily "Sport" Belgrad

Iordănescu: "I would have taken Marius Niculae!"
Invited yesterday at Telesport, the former spotter, Anghel Iordănescu, commented the evolution of the "tricolors" with Croatia: "Lobonţ mistook at the first goal, but as for the rest, he had a good labour conscription. Tamaş made a lot of mistakes. The middle line didn’t play very well. I expected more from Florentin Petre and Ovidiu Petre. A plus for Codrea. Şi Costea didn’t play very well, too, but he is young, with perspective, and Marica made his duty, but only in the first half". Iordănescu added that "If i had made the selection, I would have brought Marius Niculae". 


Tamaş brought a wreath to Cozma’s coffin
Gabriel Tamaş went yesterday morning at family Cozma’s house in order to depose a wreath of flowers in the memory of the former football player. The football player appreciated Marian Cozma very much. Gabi was affected by the news of his violent death. "I had known him since he played at Dinamo. I liked him because he was strong, fearless, a fighter. I can’t believe that he is gone! Gog forgive him, because he was a good person!", commented Tamaş last evening, before leaving to Antalya in order to join the team of "dogs". (Eduard Apostol)

Lupescu: "I discussed with Piţurcă"
The general manager from FRF, Ionuţ Lupescu, admitted that, after the match with Croatia, he had a long discussion with the spotter Victor Piţurcă in the locker room: "We speak immediately after the match, we discuss tomorrow, so that we can see which are the good and the bad things of the Wednesday match. In the first half, we played very well and we gave passes and we always blocked the adversary. A clear proof is that the guests didn’t have any occasion from an action, but from free kicks. This would be one of the negative points of the friendly match. But we shouldn’t forget, also that we had only three or four players in the competition, the rest of them are still in trainings". (Justin Gafiuc)



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