Radomir Antici will use the system 4-4-2

Radomir Antici
Radomir Antici

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 25 martie 2009 00:00

The spotter of the Serbs,, Radomir Antici, is tempted to use the same system from the match they lost with France

Radomir Antici seems to be almost decided with respect to the start formula which he will use in the match from Constanţa. There are some uncertainties, more exactly there are a few doubts of the Serbian spotter, which he hopes to understand after the trainings scheduled in the days before the match.

System 4-4-2
Antici has, from the tactical point of view two variants. Either a system 4-4-2, which he used in the match from Paris, or a system 4-3-3, which Serbia used at Viena, but also in the two friendly matches from Cipru, from February.

Amazingly, Antici inclines to the first variant, a 4-4-2 which can be transformed, according to the needs, in a system 4-2-3-1, with 10 people behind the "pivot" Nikola Zigici. It is amazing because this system was used in the only defeat from this campaign, 0-2 at Paris with France, but that failure from "Stade de France" was considered even by the French press, as a big injustice, the Serbs controlled the game in the first half. The big number of occasions created by Serbia in front of an adversary who is clearly superior to Austria, where they won with 3-0 in the system 4-3-3, determined Antici to choose variant. 

Except for Dejan Stankovici’s medical problem, Antici’s dilemma is caused also by the person who will attend Vidici in the centre of the defensive. They hurried up to make Neven Subotici’s naturalization and this indicates that the defender from Dortmund is title, but the Serbs are afraid because of possible co-operation shortcomings between him and Nemanja Vidici, whom he has never worked with. That is why it is possible that Ivica Dragutinovici will play, the defender from Seville having a lot of experience.

The spotter of the Serbs,, Radomir Antici, is tempted to use the same system from the match they lost with France

Radomir Antici seems to be almost decided with respect to the start formula which he will use in the match from Constanţa. There are some uncertainties, more exactly there are a few doubts of the Serbian spotter, which he hopes to understand after the trainings scheduled in the days before the match.

System 4-4-2
Antici has, from the tactical point of view two variants. Either a system 4-4-2, which he used in the match from Paris, or a system 4-3-3, which Serbia used at Viena, but also in the two friendly matches from Cipru, from February.

Amazingly, Antici inclines to the first variant, a 4-4-2 which can be transformed, according to the needs, in a system 4-2-3-1, with 10 people behind the "pivot" Nikola Zigici. It is amazing because this system was used in the only defeat from this campaign, 0-2 at Paris with France, but that failure from "Stade de France" was considered even by the French press, as a big injustice, the Serbs controlled the game in the first half. The big number of occasions created by Serbia in front of an adversary who is clearly superior to Austria, where they won with 3-0 in the system 4-3-3, determined Antici to choose variant. 

Except for Dejan Stankovici’s medical problem, Antici’s dilemma is caused also by the person who will attend Vidici in the centre of the defensive. They hurried up to make Neven Subotici’s naturalization and this indicates that the defender from Dortmund is title, but the Serbs are afraid because of possible co-operation shortcomings between him and Nemanja Vidici, whom he has never worked with. That is why it is possible that Ivica Dragutinovici will play, the defender from Seville having a lot of experience.

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