A funny moment :D

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 27 aprilie 2009 00:00

In the minute 55, Bogdan Stancu asked vehemently a penalty after he had been faulted in the box from Otopeni by his teammate, Antonio Semedo

Steaua’s weak evolution finished with a funny moment, behind which two of football players trained by Lăcătuş were open to ridicule and they attracted the laughs of the 3.500 spectators. 10 minutes after the match started, Bogdan Stancu surpassed the last defender from Otopeni, went to the goalpost defended by Nae, but Semedo fell down after him (foto 1), who wanted to change the direction of running, intersected with Stancu.

Stancu fell down to the earth and he looked immediately to the referee Adrian Comănescu, asking a penalty (photo 2). All the persons on the stands started to laugh, and Emil Grădinescu, the one who commented the match, together with Andrei Vochin, had the following remark: "Indeed, Bogdan Stancu was faulted in the adverse box, but by his team-mate Semedo, not by an adversary".

In the minute 55, Bogdan Stancu asked vehemently a penalty after he had been faulted in the box from Otopeni by his teammate, Antonio Semedo

Steaua’s weak evolution finished with a funny moment, behind which two of football players trained by Lăcătuş were open to ridicule and they attracted the laughs of the 3.500 spectators. 10 minutes after the match started, Bogdan Stancu surpassed the last defender from Otopeni, went to the goalpost defended by Nae, but Semedo fell down after him (foto 1), who wanted to change the direction of running, intersected with Stancu.

Stancu fell down to the earth and he looked immediately to the referee Adrian Comănescu, asking a penalty (photo 2). All the persons on the stands started to laugh, and Emil Grădinescu, the one who commented the match, together with Andrei Vochin, had the following remark: "Indeed, Bogdan Stancu was faulted in the adverse box, but by his team-mate Semedo, not by an adversary".

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