Becali: "Kapetanos does not leave anywhere, he is the best forward in Europe"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 13 ianuarie 2010 00:00

The sponsor of Steaua says that the Greek Kapetanos is not transferable and announces that he will stay together with the other players coached by Stoichiţă, for a few days, in the first training camp of the winter, which will take place in Antalya.

"Kapetanos does not leave anywhere. There is no forward better than him in Europe.
It is possible to come even other players, I don’t know yet. I will stay a few days in the training camp with the team.

I want to talk to the players, to tell them to fight and be strong. I have solved the problem of salaries, except for two players, but I will arrange with them too. Even Szekely and Tătăruşanu have accepted the decrease", said Gigi Becali at the television sportro.

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