Dinamo's value and the mistakes made by Steaua decided the derby! ALMOST HUMILIATING!

Marius Alexe, Alexe, Dinamo
Marius Alexe, Alexe, Dinamo

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 18 martie 2010 00:00

Dinamo imposed because they played the football was thought on the bench and not from the official stand. Zapata’s bagel from the end represented Steaua’s image from yesterday
You can see here the result of the derby Dinamo - Steaua 2-0! (video)

These are the matches that transform this sport called football in a sport called “king”: the derbies. In their true meaning, that in the dictionary, with two adversaries from the same town, not the one used in media, which involves any team that struggles for a goal. The derbies which you discuss the next day at work with your boss, who sympathizes with the other team and this way you have the opportunity to offer him little ironical moments in the daily collaboration, or otherwise, to endure even other things, and not only a great show of zeal or the discourses about the world crisis.

The Romanian derby is a little bit different. Because Romania is a little bit different. Every day, the supporters of Dinamo and Steaua have their breakfast reading in the newspapers or listening at different TVs how their favorite teams have become a topic, which is very frivolous for the future, from some leaders whom nobody wanted, but whom everybody have to tolerate. Every day, the players of the two pennant-teams of the Romanian football discover themselves more and more rarely within the news and they keep asking if they are the ones that matter or they are just secondary characters.

This kind of derbies represent the most common occasion of demonstrating who they are. If they are football players or just people who play football, who reached to dress the T-shirt which other made famous before just by a coincidence of the destiny.

Last night, in Ştefan cel Mare was played football. In the Romanian style, but they played. With their possibilities, those present on the field showed that they deserve to be on the spotlight, and to stay at the command of the swanks of a sponsor or another.  

Dolha and Steaua’s "Clock"
Dinamo was the team who needed the most a positive. And this time Marius Niculae coult enter without extracting a rib, Ţălnar chose to eliminate Kone from the team, who was very good at Cluj, in order to put Alexe in the middle line, but also to keep Zicu outside the team. An inspiration marked with 10, 3 points and the strong returning in the struggle for title.

Steaua had some kind of error margin, and Stoichiţă chose to use the formula guessed by the whole press. Ovidiu Petre’s retirement in the centre of the defensive line was no surprise or innovation, maybe because this compartment felt the need a "Clock" whom shall know to give the exact time. Then, they needed this clock in the middle, where it was more exactly, but when this kind of watch stays backwards is hard to restart it.  

Ţălnar has thought cleverly choosing the blaming variant, including by his own superiors, Dolha. The result: Dolha was impeccable, so it is clear that the phenomenon is much better felt by someone who comes from the field, even without expensive cloths and cigar.

Stoichiţă didn’t listen to the talkative sponsor and he trusted Zapata, instead of the "favorite" Tătăruşanu. The Columbian didn’t play bad during the 80 minutes, anyway there is nothing to reproach at the first goal, but what he made at the second one depends on the luck, destiny or the divine punishment, not for him precisely.

Alexe, again Alexe, and finally, Alexe
Dinamo started bluntly. 4 great occasions in more than 10 minutes, Niculae, Cristea and two times Alexe. The last one, who has a very good shape, missed two occasions in a situation of "one against one" at a difference of a few minutes, a fact which is not allowed for a forward who thinks it is at the world level, but he transformed in goal the free kick executed by Boştină and deviated intelligently on the beck by Goian. This was the payment almost reasonable of a first better lap made by Dinamo, because football awards usually those who play and not those who are waiting.

Because Steaua, liberated from the rush in the debut, didn’t have the courage to try more, although the astral conjunction – you can see the muffs mentioned before – said that they can obtain more. The only occasion of the guests was actually, an offside, because Kapetanos proved to be just selfish, not intelligent, and he didn’t give the ball to Szekely, who was in the action, unlike himl.

"Gafata" comes up
Stoichiţă realized the mistake he made and Steaua started the second half more categorical. A corner, a little pressure and unfortunately that was all. With a few exceptions, Steaua didn’t show a good image at all, its players seemed to be confused by the conflict supporters - sponsor, and they didn’t know on what side to be.

The red card received by Golanski, except the fact that left Steaua in only two professional defenders, broke for good the equilibrium of the derby, Dinamo organizing its superiority, not only from the point of view of the number of players, allowing the luxury to make Bratu feel again the taste of real football and throwing, in the end, thanks to Zapata, a huge amount of humility over the eternal rival. And obtaining the triumph which includes it with many arguments in a struggle for the title which becomes as European as never.

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