Dinamo wants Marius Popa

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 12 mai 2009 00:00

Next month, the goalkeeper Marius Popa, 31 years old, becomes free of contract because his agreement with Poli Timişoara ended, and the officials from Dinamo would like to have a discussion with the former international in order to sign a contract with their club.

Popa would be a variant of reserve goalkeeper especially that he didn’t play at all in this championship, being suspended by Poli Timişoara.

» Ema Dolha (tendon lesion at the right femur muscle) – Will come back tomorrow in the country after he consulted an orthopedist doctor from Belgrade. "He is ok", say the officials from Dinamo, Dolha could return in the goalpost in the match with Urziceni, after that with Timişoara.

Next month, the goalkeeper Marius Popa, 31 years old, becomes free of contract because his agreement with Poli Timişoara ended, and the officials from Dinamo would like to have a discussion with the former international in order to sign a contract with their club.

Popa would be a variant of reserve goalkeeper especially that he didn’t play at all in this championship, being suspended by Poli Timişoara.

» Ema Dolha (tendon lesion at the right femur muscle) – Will come back tomorrow in the country after he consulted an orthopedist doctor from Belgrade. "He is ok", say the officials from Dinamo, Dolha could return in the goalpost in the match with Urziceni, after that with Timişoara.

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